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Papers共 9 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Flores Ruano O I Ibrahim M Kass D Andrade H,A R Orellana Barrera,T Vela Pedraza,G A Valenzuela Sotomayor, R Ulate Montero, Castillo C E A Coward L J, J M Carrillo Villarreal,Esnaola M A Benavides G J E, J E Benavides G,Benavides G J E Babbar L,Rios V E V Benavides G J E,Benavides G J E Hernandez S Benavides G J E, Brown W F Lai Z Q Pitman W D,Hatjipanayiotou M Antoniou T Louca A,U R Lopez Dominguez, Sanchez J M Coward J Castillo E Jimenez C,C Leon Velarde,Pezo D Vohnout K Leon Velarde C, Pezo D Johnson W L Rosa Migaona J V,D Zanartu Rozas
J R Chavarria Gamez, O F Dardon Cruz, J A Martinez G,Viana Ruano A Sain G,A R Orellana Barrera, S Vasquez M,S A Reyes Alburez, L O Lozano Puerto,Lino De La Cruz Larios,J L Queme,J L Zea, Clara Toscano Perez, S Castellanos,Bolanos J,A Viana Ruano,S A Reyes A, R A Soto O,H E Vargas B, M Gutierrez O,G Roldan Perez, Ana L De La Garza,Jim Zanotti,G L Baeza, Eds, E R Paredes Mazariegos, V Alvarez, E R Salguero Salvador, M V Fernandez Montoya,G Lopez,M Fuentes,Jose Antonio Coarasa Perez, R D Gordon, Celina A Lertora Mendoza,G Sain,R Urbina,H Barreto, Anselmo Eloy Silveira Viana,J A Martinez, S H Orozco S,N A Mejia Cortez, F J Mazariegos Anleu, M R Ozaeta Mazariegos, H G Contreras Grijalva, M Zapeta Perez, J E Celada Robles, J L Ordonez Barrientos, C E Heer Arana, M A Solis Azurdia, H E Ochoa Ovalle, H Y Godoy Lucero, R Diaz Schwarz, J S Castellanos De Leon,H A Martinez H, D Moran, Sofia Isabel Carrillo Aguilar, C Garcia, D R Moran L
Author Statistics

#Papers: 9

#Citation: 204

H-Index: 9

G-Index: 9

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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