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Research Interests

Papers共 1 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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C L Tot, Fatima Luna Hernandez,D Saavedra, M Vega Araya,C Kunst, Beatriz G Bravo,J L Panigatti, J Hudson,M Salazar,A Wolffsohn, M R Rodriguez Lara, M J D Hancock,P Panting, C F Solorzano M, R H Luke,Andrew G Mcarthur, Rebecca B Todd, J M Rabade, E Castellano,C Aragoneses,O Segura,B Abellana Oar, J Alaejos Gutierrez,Andrew Schmitz,A Oumara Fall,S Rouchiche,P Amaral,A Verissimo,P Barreto,Edson Vidal, Sissi Diaz Ramirez, H Zucchini, N Irigoin, Barboza G Morales Mora E,F Cartin Brenes,Recops Y Eds, A Sequeira Mondragon,A Otarola Toscano, N Diaz A, A Vasquez Rodriguez, J A Rodriguez, A Salas,T Tuomasjukka, F S Araya,B G Hibberd,D A Rodriguez Trejo,A Sierra Pineda, G Barboza J
Author Statistics

#Papers: 1

#Citation: 23

H-Index: 1

G-Index: 1

Sociability: 3

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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