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Sean H. Lim, Nicola Campbell,Beth Stuart, Marina Johnson,Debora Joseph-Pietras,Adam Kelly,Danielle Jeffrey,Anna H. Turaj, Kate Rolfvondenbaumen,Celine Galloway,Thomas Wynn, Adam R. Coleman, Benjamin Ward, Karen Long,Andrew T. Bates, Diana Ayres, Robert Lown, Janlyn Falconer, Oliver Brake,James Batchelor, Victoria Willimott, Anna Bowzyk Al-Naeeb, Lisa Robinson,Ann O’Callaghan,Graham P. Collins,Tobias Menne,Saul N. Faust,Christopher P. Fox,Matthew Ahearne,Peter W.M. Johnson,Andrew J. Davies,David Goldblatt
A Johnson,D Field,D Elbourne,A Grant, D Davis,A Greenough, P Hale,L Hamilton,M Levene,M Liddell, F Lockett,D Macrae,C Skeoch,R Morley,L Hallam,S Howard,M Mugford,C Normand, T Roberts, J Bell, D Doyle, E Evans, A Howatson,I Jeffrey,P Mckeever, R Risdon,W Squier,C Wright,C Beardsmore,J Stocks, M Elliott,R Firmin,R Doll, E Alberman,D Altman,F Cockburn,R Cooke, A Fenton, J Grant, W Hoskyns,U Macfadyen, A Doulah,S Kerr, G Pearson, M Graham, C Jessen,A Schreuder,H Ashurst,S Ayers, C Bridgwood,K Enock,J Fooks, C Harris, E Lukes, A Wrotchford, J Hamilton, J Madar,G Derrick, L Scott, H Moore,C Pierce,L Tyszczuk,A Goldman, B Boosfeld, E Smith,V Noble, M King,J Desai,M Newbould,A Tometzki, E Thomson,P Duffty, R Allan,G Youngson,E Gray, K Chan, V Sankus, B Randall, D Manning, M Chessall, M Gillett,M Blair, A Hoyle, R Nairn,J Whyte,M Gray, A Patrick, C Ralston,H Watson,F Raafat, J Bissenden, R Reeve, W Shortland-Webb, M Watkinson, M Bateman, F Brook, M Morgan, M James, I Rushton, S Chatfield, L Francis, P Batman, M Markiewicz, J Wood,N Madden,J Wigglesworth,N Murphy, D Freeman, K Dodd, M Boen, D Semeraro, P Ward, T Mill, A Sherwood,B Shaw, L Mcivor, W Taylor, C Steer, S Campbell, J Keeling,D Coats,D Drake,R Mupanemunda, C Meredith, R Buchdahl, P Morris, A Davey,K Costeloe, C Phillips, H Rees, M Robinson,J Bloor,J Bruce,A Kelsey,R Coombs, S Hands, S Variend,A Wilkinson, D Davidson,S Gould,N Martin,B Coates,A Gibson, I Mukhtar, G Nicholls, S Milkin,P Chetcuti,J Hetherington, J Beck,G Batcup, M Halfhead,A Thomson, S Cooke, A Nicol,D Garvie, J Collas,E Dykes, C Keen,M Weindling, S Williams,D Lloyd,R Van Velsen, P Sivakumar, C Toyer, D Lawrence, S Hart,L Ooi, D Milligan, B Watson,J Wagget,W Tarnow-Mordi, A Findlay, S Lang, C Upton, H Butcher, J Brain,R Lonsdale,S Spencer,K Lockyer,T French, I Verber, J Dale, C Rettman, P Daish,M Mahony,A Molyneux, R Thomas,G Taylor,A Price, A Leslie,D Fagan,D Shortland, D Nicholas, M Hall, P Walton, D Burge, I Moore, S Day, J Ashton,B Holland,J Scott,C Davis, J Benson, D Hatton,R Prescott,C Galloway, R Finlayson, J Macphie,J Smyth, M Muncaster,L Horton,M Quinn, R Shanks,P Anthony,G Mackinlay, P Skinner, J Ratcliffe,S Kempley, V Mendham, V Wright,C Berry, R Welch,S Ellis,A Fraser, P Rudd, J Jackson,C Meehan, S Davies, M Barrett,J Anderson, C Price,J Bridger,J Rawal, L Yong, A Tagizadeh,J Dickson,C Mcloughlin,I Laing, M Howatt,S Sinha, J Gavey,U Earl, M White,R Nicholson, S Calvert, L Weir,K Holmes,K Haque, Am Hayes, W Landells,S Bignall,D Summers, N Maddon, M Wilkin, M Ashton,J Bowyer, L Moore,R Thwaites, M Jackson,H Ward, N Fagg, M Drayton,M Reed, J Lari,G Vujanic,A Coe, M Newsome, E Boradhurst,J Greenwood,D Brown,C Cheetham,J Macdonald, M Turner,S Perera, J Lim, J Oliver,S Ware, W Lamb, C Stuart,M O'Connor, I Lewis, N Ruggins,S Birks, D Hannona, A Comley, I Murdoch,H El-Naggar, A Short, A Worsley, J Reiser, T Williams,J Allgrove, W Houlsby, S Jones, M Higgs, A Tybulewicz, P Macfarlane,V Van Someren,S Ferguson,D Schapira, P Seddon,A Day, M Hocking, J Matthes,C Noone,J Hawdon, G Supramaniam, C Porter, E Abbey, E Adu, J Allsopp, S Atkinson, T Barnham, D Bayliss, W Beeley, J Beeny, G Bennett, W Birkinshaw, P Bone, A Bower, J Brothers, S Brown, M Buchanan, J Buckell, A Burling, J Burrows,L Byrne, S Calabrese,D Campbell, P Ceres, R Chana,M Chesney, S Clare, P Coglan, M Cook,K Coote, M Cornforth, K Coupland, R Cullinan,D Davies, D Davison,M Dow,M Drake, B Durkin, C Edwards, J Falconer,B Ferguson,F Forrest,M Gallagher,I Grant, P Gregson, U Gunn,T Hall, V Hames, M Hamilton, J Hart, C Hazlehurst, A Henry, F Hill, C Hogan, M Hubbard, M Hughes,T Jackson, A Kay, I Keating, E Kelly, J Lawrie,A Lee, E Leighton, R Lindsay, Z Linfield, P Long, M Love, A Mackness, P Martin, A Mcclelland,A Mills, F Monck,K Murray,P Neal, C Norgate, E O'Toole, R Pavlou, S Peck, M Phillips, E Pollock,J Rankin, D Rawson, K Rehling, L Reijoinen, S Ryan, F Sandilands, S Savage, V Sayer, M Savill, A Scott, J Self, A Shaw-Flach, A Sibson,K Simpson,M Sklar, H Spencer,S Stones, L Stonestreet, R Streete, M Taylor, M Urquhart,S Van Der Vliet, J Waddingham, A Walker,N Wallace, A Weir, M West,S West, W Williamson, M Woodhouse, P Wykes, A Young
L Alroomi, S Barclay, J Beattie,A Blair,M Blair, P Booth, A Burt, K Byrne,D Clow,F Cockburn,P Duffty,A Ford,S Forsyth, P Galea,C Galloway,B Holland,R Hume,S Kinmond, M Kirkpatrick,I Laing, D Lloyd,A Lyon, M Macmillan, A Margerison, T Marshall,J Mcdonald, G Menon,N Mcintosh,R Mcwilliam,J Richardson,I Ruthven,C Shepherd, R Simpson,C Skeoch,G Stark, C Steer, G Stewart, A Sutton,W Tarnowmordi, A Thomson,R Thomson,T Turner,M White,J Whyte,R Wilkie,G Parry,C Gould,L Mutch,S Ogston, D Caborn, B Massie,D Strang,S Newton, M Edwards
Author Statistics

#Papers: 5

#Citation: 122

H-Index: 3

G-Index: 4

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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