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Papers共 4 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Daniel F Cutler,T Botha,Dennis W Stevenson,M Rojas Garciduenas,X A Dominguez, V Raghavan, Amy E Lee,C Heimsch,P M Solera Steller,H Gloobe,Rafael Garcia,S Pereyra Alfonso, C J Chamberlain,K O Rachie,Jacquelyn M Lyman, Eds, G M Kozubov, E Marin, Yu E Novitskaya, R M Sboeva,S S Khokhlov, G S Allen,John N Owens,J F Duranton,Michel Lecoq,E Yah,Juan Luis Ortiz,N Vasquez Morera,Agnes Grapin,F Cote,Claude Teisson,C M,A Esquivel,J V Escalant,C Y Bieberach Forero,Perez L Salazar R, Girsel L Sorensen M,Christopher J Marshall, J K Grace,R D Frandson,A Alvarez,David Deardorff,Kathryn Wadsworth,J Margara,C G Marroquin Tornoe,Juan Sandoval,V Villalobos,R N Inserra,N Vovlas,G D Griffin, Jodi Anderson,J C Herrera, L Moreno,J R Acuna,M De Pena, D Osorio,R Barbon Rodriguez,W Preil, Eva Perez Jimenez,Carlos Noceda,E Quiala, R Rodriguez,R Gomez,Raul Barbon,A Capote, Nerea Ormaechea Perez,M De Feria, Maria Del Carmen Chavez,D Garcia, Walter Cruz Torres,M Cuba,Martin A Nunez,M P H Gathaara,I E Giron Velado, J C Herrerapinilla,H Etienne,W Solano, A Pereira, D B Etienne,Benoit Bertrand,F Anthony,Berthouly M Echeverri J,O Mora,L Zamora,E Jimenez Gonzalez, A Rivero, M De Feria Silva,A Zamarripa Colmenero,C E Ascanio E,M A Arcia M,C Carasco,M Dufour, M Berthouly, A Zamarripa,J P Ducos,H Bollon,Vincent Petiard, J E Trevino R,G A Enriquez,J H Echeverri R, J M Mejia Munoz, V M, M I Arcila P,B Neuenschwander,Thomas Baumann, M I Arcila Pulgarin,F J Orozco Castano,H A Sagastume Mena,M L Valverde Cerdas,T Palma Zuniga
Author Statistics

#Papers: 4

#Citation: 254

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 4

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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