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Papers共 37 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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C Zuleta Del Solar, P Crespo,V Galmez,C Pomareda,H Steinfeld,E F Viglizzo,A V Rojas,Jose Manuel Martinez Rodriguez,Jose Maria Pastor Guzman,M Leiva,M Alfaro, M C Hidalgo,Alcides J Leon Mendez,Antonio Martin Herrera,J C Meerman, I Gillette,Edward J Green, William O H Hughes,E Alpizar, Rosa M Lam Diaz,A Sobenes, Eloy M Castellanos,Carmen Martinez,Francisco Velasco Roldan,M Vallejo Larios, A Cruz Guerrero,M Mendieta,A Sanchez, Gonzalo A Alvarez, J M Guardado, X Soto,J Hernandez Munguia,J A Viteri,D L Martino,T Panayotou,Geoffrey Heal, D Arcila Ramos, Kathryn V Anderson,R Blackhurst,Wallace E Oates,Paul R Portney, P M Morrisetle,Andrew J Plantinga,Joel Darmstadter, Anthony T Jones,Dallas Burtraw,Michael Toman, Robert J Gale,S Barg,Alison R Gillies,J C J M Van Den Bergh,J Van Der Straaten, Eds,Cerri C C Puignau J P,Andrew Goudie, Philip M Fearnside,J I Fahl,M L C Carelli,A C Magalhâes, R A Alvarez,O J Santanatoglia, K Smith, Kolar S F Hayes P, P Du Pont, Martin Cherniack, Mark L F Philips, Patanavanich S Hayes P, Jose Mauro Magalhaes Avila Paz Moreira,Davidson O R Hayes P,Jayant Sathaye, R P,Hayes P, Smith K R Hayes P, P M Hayes, Dayal M Gupta S,R K Pachauri, Houghton R A Gupta S, Woodwell G M Gupta S, Sunil Gupta,Pilar Palma Ramirez,J J Mackenzie
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 37

#Citation: 771

H-Index: 23

G-Index: 27

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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