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Ayse Bahar Ercan,Melyssa Aronson,Nicholas R. Fernandez, Yuan Chang,Adrian Levine,Zhihui Amy Liu,Logine Negm,Melissa Edwards,Vanessa Bianchi,Lucie Stengs,Jiil Chung,Abeer Al-Battashi,Agnes Reschke,Alex Lion,Alia Ahmad,Alvaro Lassaletta,Alyssa T. Reddy,Amir F. Al-Darraji,Amish C. Shah,An Van Damme,Anne Bendel,Aqeela Rashid,Ashley S. Margol, Bethany L. Kelly,Bojana Pencheva,Brandie Heald, Brianna Lemieux-Anglin,Bruce Crooks,Carl Koschmann, Catherine Gilpin,Christopher C. Porter,David Gass,David Samuel,David S. Ziegler,Deborah T. Blumenthal,Dennis John Kuo,Dima Hamideh,Donald Basel,Dong-Anh Khuong-Quang,Duncan Stearns,Enrico Opocher,Fernando Carceller,Hagit Baris Feldman,Helen Toledano,Ira Winer,Isabelle Scheers,Ivana Fedorakova,Jack M. Su,Jaime Vengoechea,Jaroslav Sterba,Jeffrey Knipstein,Jordan R. Hansford, Julieta Rita Gonzales-Santos,Kanika Bhatia,Kevin J. Bielamowicz,Khurram Minhas,Kim E. Nichols,Kristina A. Cole,Lynette Penney,Magnus Aasved Hjort,Magnus Sabel,Maria Joao Gil-da-Costa,Matthew J. Murray, Matthew Miller, Maude L. Blundell,Maura Massimino,Maysa Al-Hussaini,Mazin F. Al-Jadiry, Melanie A. Comito,Michael Osborn,Michael P. Link,Michal Zapotocky,Mithra Ghalibafian,Najma Shaheen,Naureen Mushtaq,Nicolas Waespe,Nobuko Hijiya,Noemi Fuentes-Bolanos, Olfat Ahmad,Omar Chamdine,Paromita Roy,Pavel N. Pichurin,Per Nyman,Rachel Pearlman,Rebecca C. Auer,Reghu K. Sukumaran,Rejin Kebudi,Rina Dvir, Robert Raphael,Ronit Elhasid,Rose B. McGee,Rose Chami,Ryan Noss,Ryuma Tanaka,Salmo Raskin,Santanu Sen,Scott Lindhorst,Sebastien Perreault,Shani Caspi,Shazia Riaz,Shlomi Constantini,Sophie Albert, Stanley Chaleff,Stefan Bielack,Stefano Chiaravalli, Stuart Louis Cramer,Sumita Roy, Suzanne Cahn, Suzanne Penna,Syed Ahmer Hamid,Tariq Ghafoor,Uzma Imam,Valerie Larouche,Vanan Magimairajan Issai,William D. Foulkes,Yi Yen Lee,Paul C. Nathan,Yosef E. Maruvka,Mary-Louise C. Greer,Carol Durno,Adam Shlien,Birgit Ertl-Wagner,Anita Villani,David Malkin,Cynthia Hawkins,Eric Bouffet,Anirban Das,Uri Tabori
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 99

#Citation: 1378

H-Index: 22

G-Index: 36

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 3

Activity: 16

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