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I work on theoretical cosmology, in particular the calculations relating different theoretical models to observations. I have a particular interest in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and am a member of the team analysing data from the Planck satellite. I develop theoretical methods and numerical codes for making accurate predictions for the expected signal, and using data to constrain different theoretical models of the early universe.
I am also interested in gravitational lensing, both of the CMB and galaxies, and the study of large scale structure correlations.
I am also interested in gravitational lensing, both of the CMB and galaxies, and the study of large scale structure correlations.
Research Interests
Papers共 160 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physicsno. 07 (2024): 067-067
Giulia Piccirilli,Giulio Fabbian,David Alonso,Kate Storey-Fisher,Julien Carron,Antony Lewis,Carlos Garcia-Garcia
Andrew Laverick, Kristen Surrao,Inigo Zubeldia, Boris Bolliet, Miles Cranmer,Antony Lewis,Blake Sherwin,Julien Lesgourgues
PHYSICAL REVIEW Dno. 10 (2023)
Mathew Robertson,Antony Lewis
Kevork Abazajian, Arwa Abdulghafour,Graeme E. Addison,Peter Adshead,Zeeshan Ahmed,Marco Ajello,Daniel Akerib,Steven W. Allen,David Alonso,Marcelo Alvarez,Mustafa A. Amin,Mandana Amiri,Adam Anderson,Behzad Ansarinejad,Melanie Archipley,Kam S. Arnold,Matt Ashby,Han Aung,Carlo Baccigalupi, Carina Baker,Abhishek Bakshi,Debbie Bard,Denis Barkats,Darcy Barron,Peter S. Barry,James G. Bartlett, Paul Barton,Ritoban Basu Thakur,Nicholas Battaglia,Jim Beall,Rachel Bean,Dominic Beck,Sebastian Belkner,Karim Benabed,Amy N. Bender,Bradford A. Benson, Bobby Besuner,Matthieu Bethermin,Sanah Bhimani,Federico Bianchini, Simon Biquard,Ian Birdwell,Colin A. Bischoff,Lindsey Bleem, Paulina Bocaz,James J. Bock,Sebastian Bocquet,Kimberly K. Boddy,J. Richard Bond,Julian Borrill,Francois R. Bouchet,Thejs Brinckmann,Michael L. Brown,Sean Bryan,Victor Buza,Karen Byrum,Erminia Calabrese,Victoria Calafut,Robert Caldwell,John E. Carlstrom,Julien Carron,Thomas Cecil,Anthony Challinor,Victor Chan,Clarence L. 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#Citation: 76281
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Activity: 12
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