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Z Villegas,Y Bustamente,V Vroomans,J Chambi,Lourens Poorter,M Pena Claros,B Mostacedo,J C Licona,A Alarcon,E Dauber,C Leano,F Contreras,M Toledo, Mostacedo,D Villarroel,T S Fredericksen,J C Licona Vasquez,C Ohlson Kiehn,Scott A Jackson,Francis E Putz,G Blate,M J Justiniano,Marielos Penaclaros, Maria Elena Gutierrez, Carlos Manuel Arriaga Jordan,I Vargas, J C Montero, P P Claros Liendo, Oscar Camacho, R Guzman,N I Chica Claros,A Claros Goitia,R Haudry De Soucy,J Iturri Salmon, Eds, D C,Marcos Antonio Camacho,M R Guariguata, J A Chacon Mata,M V N Doliveira, G L A Gomide,Thomas Walschburger, V H Montero Navarro, Martinez Ramos M Lung H G,M Caballero Deloya,R Villarreal Canton, R L Stanford Junior, H E Braker,G S Hartshorn,D A Clark,Hartshorn G S Tomlinson P B, M H Zimmerman,Julie S Denslow,M D Swaine, Daniel E Lieberman, H H, Brown R, Klaus Adam, Von Hildebrand P Gomez Pompa A,T C Whitmore, Mark A Hadley, W A,M P Da Costa, Waldir Mantovani,P Negreros Castillo, M K,A Barrera De Jorgenson,P L Weaver,Whitmore T C Lugo A E,Carrie Caselton Lowe, Odum H T Lugo A E, F D Kahn,P M Attiwill,Carl W Mize,Richard Condit,Stephen P Hubbell,Robin B Foster,J Heuveldop, Manfred J M Neumann, E R Alvarez Buylla, Christopher Uhl, Kevin D Clark, N Dezzeo, Pedro Maquirino, Aaron P Smith,K P Hogan,Jacquelyn R Idol, A M Barton,S T A Pickett
E Dauber,T S Fredericksen,M Pena Claros,C Leano,J C Licona,Fernando Hernandez Contreras,L C Salazar P,F A Guerra M,M Agramonte,V Leyva, A Castillo C,R Keogh,M T Gonzalez Garcia,A Valencia Jimenez,A E Bustillo Pardey, A Redondo Brenes,B Vilchez Alvarado,Chazdon R L Quesada Monge R,J Farias Larios,M Orozco Santos,J G Lopez Aguirre, F Silva Montes, C E Reyes Reyes,Antonio Arjona Castro,J C Rosas,O Cosenza,J Valerio, Salas C Bertsch F,W Badilla,Jesus Manuel Vizan Garcia, Eds, J De J Rodriguez, N Reyna Rodriguez, L G Leal Gamez,D J Goitia Estrada, J Garcia Dominguez, L Mayorga Suarez,F Holguin M, M Rodriguez P, R O Crarrioto, J Guzman G, M L Suarez S, R Gomez Quiroga,C A Baeza Aragon, Carlos Fajardo Guevara,V H Porras,J J Galindo, S R Asmar, Robert M Schmidt,P L Weaver,Carmen Rivera,Y Kozuka, R Gamez,Norma Larrazolo Reyna,N J Gewald,Turrialba Centro Agronomico Tropical De Investigacion Y Ensenanza, L O Nieves, U E Lozano Jeffs, J Zbigniew Mazuchowski,E Chaves Salas,J A Rodriguez Moya, C Barrera M, Maria Jose Brito Zakia, F G Pareyn, R N Burkart, E M B I Isaia,Nobuhiko Haga, Hidemitsu Aoki, M Chyo, J E Castillo H, E O Toro T,C Groothousen,H Tillmanns, M F Cadena, Patricia Mendoza,L Ramos,H Gra, L Barresos, E Albarez, J Verduzco G
Author Statistics

#Papers: 4

#Citation: 632

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 4

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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