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Papers共 253 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Przemek Mroz, Subo Dong,Antoine Merand,Jinyi Shangguan,Julien Woillez, Andrew Gould, Andrzej Udalski,Frank Eisenhauer, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, Zexuan Wu, Zhuokai Liu, Hongjing Yang,Guillaume Bourdarot,Denis Defrere,Antonia Drescher,Maximilian Fabricius,Paulo Garcia,Reinhard Genzel,Stefan Gillessen,Sebastian F. Honig,Laura Kreidberg,Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin,Dieter Lutz,Florentin Millour,Thomas Ott,Thibaut Paumard, Jonas Sauter,T. Taro Shimizu,Christian Straubmeier,Matthias Subroweit,Felix Widmann, Michal K. GRAVITY Collaboration, Michal K. Szymanski, Igor Soszynski, Pawel Pietrukowicz, Szymon Kozlowski, Radoslaw Poleski, Jan Skowron, Krzysztof Ulaczyk, Mariusz Gromadzki, Krzysztof Rybicki,Patryk Iwanek, Marcin Wrona, Mateusz J. Mroz, Sun-Ju OGLE Collaboration, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Cheongho Han, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Youn Kil Jung, In-Gu Shin,Yossi Shvartzvald, Jennifer C. Yee, Weicheng Zang, Sang-Mok Cha, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, KMTNet Collaboration
N. Pourré,T. O. Winterhalder,J. -B. Le Bouquin,S. Lacour, A. Bidot,M. Nowak,A. -L. Maire,D. Mouillet,C. Babusiaux,J. Woillez,R. Abuter,A. Amorim,R. Asensio-Torres,W. O. Balmer,M. Benisty,J. -P. Berger,H. Beust,S. Blunt,A. Boccaletti,M. Bonnefoy,H. Bonnet,M. S. Bordoni,G. Bourdarot,W. Brandner,F. Cantalloube,P. Caselli,B. Charnay,G. Chauvin,A. Chavez,E. Choquet,V. Christiaens,Y. Clénet,V. Coudé du Foresto,A. Cridland,R. Davies,D. Defrère,R. Dembet,J. Dexter,A. Drescher,G. Duvert,A. Eckart,F. Eisenhauer, N. M. Föster Schreiber,P. Garcia,R. Garcia Lopez,E. Gendron,R. Genzel,S. Gillessen,J. H. Girard,F. Gonte,S. Grant,X. Haubois,G. Heißel,Th. Henning,S. Hinkley,S. Hippler,S. F. Hönig,M. Houllé,Z. Hubert,L. Jocou,J. Kammerer,M. Kenworthy,M. Keppler,P. Kervella,L. Kreidberg,N. T. Kurtovic,A. -M. Lagrange,V. Lapeyrère,D. Lutz,F. Mang,G. -D. Marleau,A. Mérand,F. Millour,P. Mollière,J. D. Monnier,C. Mordasini,E. Nasedkin,S. Oberti,T. Ott, G. P. L. Otten,C. Paladini,T. Paumard,K. Perraut,G. Perrin,O. Pfuhl,L. Pueyo,D. C. Ribeiro,E. Rickman,Z. Rustamkulov,J. Shangguan,T. Shimizu,D. Sing,F. Soulez,J. Stadler,T. Stolker,O. Straub,C. Straubmeier,E. Sturm,C. Sykes,L. J. Tacconi,E. F. van Dishoeck,A. Vigan,F. Vincent,S. D. von Fellenberg,J. Wang,F. Widmann,S. Yazici,the GRAVITY Collaboration, J. A. Abad,E. Aller Carpentier,J. Alonso,L. Andolfato,P. Barriga,J. -L. Beuzit,P. Bourget,R. Brast, L. Caniguante, E. Cottalorda,P. Darré,B. Delabre,A. Delboulbé,F. Delplancke-Ströbele,R. Donaldson,R. Dorn,C. Dupuy,S. Egner, G. Fischer, C. Frank,E. Fuenteseca,P. Gitton, T. Guerlet,S. Guieu,P. Gutierrez,P. Haguenauer,A. Haimerl,C. T. Heritier,S. Huber,N. Hubin,P. Jolley,J. -P. Kirchbauer,J. Kolb,J. Kosmalski, P. Krempl,M. Le Louarn,P. Lilley,B. Lopez,Y. Magnard,S. Mclay,A. Meilland, A. Meister,T. Moulin,L. Pasquini,J. Paufique,I. Percheron,L. Pettazzi, D. Phan, W. Pirani,J. Quentin,A. Rakich,R. Ridings,J. Reyes,S. Rochat,C. Schmid,N. Schuhler, P. Shchekaturov, M. Seidel,C. Soenke,E. Stadler,C. Stephan,M. Suárez, M. Todorovic,G. Valdes,C. Verinaud,G. Zins,S. Zúñiga-Fernández, the NAOMI Collaboration
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 249

#Citation: 4238

H-Index: 36

G-Index: 55

Sociability: 8

Diversity: 2

Activity: 46

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