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A Sasson, Alfredo Castaneda Hernandez,J R Holum, D M Ruiz Moreno,C E Riano Luna,L Orozco Gallego, G Gopal Rao,G Rajeswara Rao,J G Bhatt,R Renganayagi,J I Fahl,M L C Carelli,D A Aiassa,M A Di Renzo,M A Ibanez,G H Pritham,Robyn L Tate, D A Klein, Eds,L Lopes,Rosemary Gualberto Fonseca Alvarenga Pereira,Antonio Nazareno Guimaraes Mendes,E R Vilela,V D De Carvalho,F B Salisbury, C A Ross,P J Kramer,T T Kozlowski,R I Medina Certad,J Lugo Caja,Geracimo E Bracho,J I Routh, B M Carballo Garcia, V C P Do Camarero, Athel Cornishbowden,Maria Luz Cardenas,D M Joel,Irit Marbach, A M Mayer, C P Martinez D,M T Gonzalez G, A E Bustillo P,J A T Amaral,Fabio M Damatta,A B Rena, Rossana Pierangeli Godinho Silva,Flavio Meira Borem,D Fernandez,Sandra Noir, Carlo Agostini,M C Bon,M C Combes,M C Silva,L Guerra Guimaraes,F Anthony,Benoit Bertrand,Philippe Lashermes,Pierre Marraccini,C Allard,M Andre,C Courjault,C Gaborit,Nicolas Lacoste, Alain Meunier,S Michaux, Vincent Petit,P Priyono,Joseph Rogers,A Deshayes,S M T Bau,Paulo Mazzafera, L Santoro,V C De A Theodoro,Rubens Jose Guimaraes,M M Mourao Junior,S J R Chagas,A L O Facanha,Fabio Lopes Olivares,Fernando Guridi,G De A Santos,A C X Velloso,Vivian M Rumjanek,F Brasil,Jan Schripsema,R Braz Filho,M A De Oliveira,Luciano Pasqualoto Canellas,Carlos Jose Pimenta,T C Villela,A L L De Moraes,E M Aredes,L R D Faroni,P C Correa,M E L R De Queiroz,Paulo Roberto Cecon,A L D Goneli, A G Rosillo,J R Acuna,Alvaro L Gaitan,M De Pena,K M Da Cunha, F Botero Arbelaez, L Vargas Cartagena, Vargas Cartagena L Echeverri J,L Zamora,M E Cadena Romero,J Arcila Pulgarin,D P Preciado Rodriguez,A E Bustillo Pardey,A Valencia Jimenez, B E Valdes D,P E Velez Arango,E C Montoya Restrepo,Gunnar Wingsle,O P Olson, G Sandberg,M L Rojas, V Montes De Gomez, C A Ocampo,G R Waller,C Macvean, Toshiaki Suzuki,Gerard Fourny,E Tchana,J C Vincent,W Goncalves,J Fernandes, A C N Magalhaes,J Berthaud,F Berthou,N M Takaki Belletini,Sonia M C Dietrich
Y I Hernandez,Trujillo G Leal F, G C D Eeckenbrugge,J G Cruz Castillo,J De La Cruz Medina,O Del Angel Coronel,Gulab N Jham,H Muller,Paulo Roberto Cecon,Ricardo Bressani,L G Elias,T Ayuso,O Rosal,J E Braham, Jorge Granados Zuniga,N Lorenzo Sagrego,A Rojas Bourrillon,G Palavicini, V Chandrashekar,M Krishnamurti,T R Seshadri,J H Broadbent,G G Shone,J V Bateman,A Priyatmojo, V E Escopalao, N G Tangonan, C Pascual,Hiroaki Suga,Koji Kageyama,Mitsuro Hyakumachi,F J P C Carvalho,O J Crocomo, G Bandel,W R Sharp,L E Gutierrez,P De C T De Carvalho,J Wurziger,Homero Fonseca, F Van Der Voort, P Townsley, Robert Hasler,Heinz Wanner, C H Chou,G R Waller,M Derbesy, C Venot,A C Dos Santos,A Benfredj,F Busson,A A Prawoto, I Abdul Karneni,M L S Tucci, M F Abreu, P C Sentelhas,Luiz Alberto Saes,Lindsay J Mchenry,P J Fritz,S Chaiseri,D H Arruda,P S Dimick,G A Enriquez,Alan D Lopez,V C Quesnel,M L Ibanez, Francesco Palmisano,Bernard Guyot,Dominique Gueule,Fabrice Davrieux,J C Vincent,E Mohr, G Wichmann,V C Pence,Paul M Hasegawa,J Janick,P R F Berbert, M C Guenot,J J Perriot, David C Wright,E V Packiyasothy,E R Jansz,U M Senanayake,R C Wijesundara,P Wickremasinghe, G Mascetti B, A Reyes Q, R Negron W,Aurora R Renauld,Rita C Sverdlik,J D Ferguson,David Sklan,W Chalupa,D S Kronfeld, E Pushparajah,M Rajadurai, Eds,W L Ng,F C H Oh, C Y Ng, B K Tan,W L Siew,Berger K G Pushparajah E,D G Coursey,J A Cornelius, A Leon De Berti, Maracay Fondo Nacional De Investigaciones Agropecuarias,J J Montilla, M Pena, Van Den Bosch,Ramon Escobar Galindo,K G Berger, John W Lyons, London Co Ltd
E Jimenez Avila,A Gomez Pompa, M K Rai,M C Carpinella,R De La Cruz,F Aleman Zeledon,L L Vasquez Moreno,R L Zimdahl,S S Rosenthal,Dennis M Maddox, K Brunetti,Gerald A Rosenthal,Daniel H Janzen, Eds,E L Rice,Germano Leao Demolin Leite,Marcelo Coutinho Picanco,Aristea Alves Azevedo, Y Zurita,Flavio Marquini, S Kumar, D P Singh,L Obando Guerrero, R J Aldrich,M A Altieri,Matt Liebman,S R Radosevich,Jodie S Holt,S J H Rizvi,V Rizvi, E Arosemena Jaen,Peter Ott,John H Dawson,A P Appleby,J C F Santos,I F De Souza,Antonio Nazareno Guimaraes Mendes,A R De Morais,H E O Da Conceicao,J T S Marinho,R J Alvarez Puente,Y Martinez Viciedo,Paulo Mazzafera, D M Yamaoka Yano,Angela Pierre Vitoria,G R Waller, A L Anaya Lang, L Sagrero Nieves, A B Celis Ochoa Cordero,D Kumari, John L Friedman, Nathan B Friedman, M Contreras Fernandez,D Mukerjee,S N Mathur,S Guillobez,X Castaing,B Sallee, C H Chou, C Vazquez Yanes,S Del Amo Rodriguez, A Butanda Cervera, E E De L E Borges, E Da S Lopes, Ch K Ong, M Contreras F,Rattan Lal, O D, N Glover, J L Brewbaker, S I Inostrosa,L A Fournier O, M L Escobar M,J I Del Valle, R A, B C Fischer, A C Alferez,O P Dayama,Shinkichi Tawata,Fujiya Hongo,P E Keeley, Fion L D A Pareja M R,E Alan, San Carlos Dept De Ciencias Instituto Tecnologico De Costa Rica,U Barrantes
Paulo Mazzafera,A Carvalho,L C Fazuoli,H P Medina Filho,Thomas Baumann, B H Schulthess,Keith B Hanni,S M Chalfoun,Marcelo Claudio Pereira,Caroline Lima Angelico,A Miranda Arauz,M L A Borges,J C F Mendonca,Adriana S Franca,L S De Oliveira,Susana Casal, M B P P Oliveira,M R Alves, Manuel A Ferreira,M D Vitorino,M R Sondahl, Paul R Martin,T De Paulis,David M Lovinger,C Milo,R Badoud,R Fumeaux,S Bobillot, Yannick Fleury,T Huynh Ba,Giorgia De Bortoli, Matthew J Fabian,B Bertrand,H Etienne,A B Eskes,Adauto Ferreira Barcelos,P C De A Paiva,Juan Ramon Olalquiaga Perez,V B Dos Santos,R M Cardoso,V C De A Theodoro,Rubens Jose Guimaraes,M M Mourao Junior,S J R Chagas,Evandro A Nascimento,S A L De Morais,Roberto Chang,F J T Aquino,Sachio Ogita,Hirotaka Uefuji,Yuki Yamaguchi,Nozomu Koizumi,Hiroshi Sano,M Noirot, P E Barre,Christophe Duperray,J Louarn,Serge Hamon, Ana Almeida, T Moraes Santos,Maria Beatriz Abreu Gloria,Carlos Jose Pimenta,K M Da Cunha, N Gonzalez De Colmenares, M E Ramos Nino, J Bustamante P,A C G De Souza, T Mobbett, Bindu Raghavan,K Ramalakshmi, H L Sreeenath,J Monterrey, Carlos Moure Jimenez,F Guharay,F Anthony,Michael N Clifford,J K Mburu, P K Mwaura, D M Yamaoka Yano,Angela Pierre Vitoria,R S Barros,M Maestri,A B Rena,G M Nazario,C J Lovatt,A Gutierrez Martinez,Naoji Fujimori,Hiroshi Ashihara, Rob J Aerts,Gunnar Wingsle,O P Olson,Goran Sandberg,Alan Crozier,J H Echeverri,Seungjae Lee,G R Waller,C Macvean, Tetsuro Suzuki, Waller G R Fujiwara A, H U Keller,Heinz Wanner,D Haldimann,Peter Brodelius,Takefumi Furuya,Kenji Koge,Yutaka Orihara,P M Frischknecht
Author Statistics

#Papers: 6

#Citation: 149

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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