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Papers共 8 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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F Gutierrez Perez,J A Briceno, Jhon Armando Higuera Calderon, M A Blanco Vado, M V Ruiz Gutierrez, S Yankelewitz B, A Gonzalez,F Chacon,G Gonzalez Trejos, Martin A Nunez, J R Gutierrez S, M Luna F,James R Holbein,Donald J Musch, C Toledo,S Anta, Diana Margarita Mejia Diaz,R Flores A,L R Caceres,J A Falcon,F G Echavarria,H Salinas,G Hoyos,R Flores, L Garciabarrios, Josue Kohashishibata,I Mendez, F M Oreilly,S Rincon Gallardo, A Tubilla, F De La Parra,A Gutierrez Martinez,P Martinez Jaime, Donald L Reed, Michael M Cernea,William Mcgehee,Paul W Thayer, R B Maddux, Rekha Sinha, Es Ist Klein,A Nunez Del Prado Benavente, C Bettelheim,Raanan Weitz,Levia Applebaum,R Bartra,E Boege, P Calvo, Joaquin Jesus Blanca Gutierrez, V R Martinez Vazquez,L Pare, I Rodriguez Castro, R K Hubbard, A Ayala Anguiano, Angel Campa Cordova, Wilbur Schramm, H Labastida, S Weil, Owen T Lewis, F Arguelles Tejeda
H Salinas, Jl Avila,A Falcon, R Flores
J G Tellez,S Zamora, J Garcia,G Bonilla,H Aguilar,C A Harvey, M A Ibrahim,V Hidalgo Lozano,A Moreno Rojas,A Flores Mere,J Rojas Flores,M L Lopez Torres,J M Garcia Blancas,J R Esparza Ortiz, R S Soikes Canepa, J A Camacho Sandoval,F J Oviedo,J E Benavides G, R Penaloza W, U Dietrich P, W Bayer, D P Minon,Andrea Fumagalli, A Auslender, A Negron Arambun,O W Deaton, Helena Soleto Munoz, Castells Arteche, Alvaro Freyre, E Pedroff, Jean Kleber De Abreu Mattos,J A Falcon
Author Statistics

#Papers: 9

#Citation: 164

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 8

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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