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Research Interests

Papers共 2 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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L Palacios Hernandez,K Acuna Askar,A Soto Robledo, J Verastegui Chavez, V M Villanueva Fraustro,J A Trevino Oviedo,H Briones Amaya,F Alanis Marfil, A Luevano De Leon,D Enkerlin S,J Leos Martinez, J A Llanes Lopez, I Salazar Guajardo, J D Rodriguez Carrera, J A Alatorre Crispin, R Flores Ramirez, M Gonzalez Rios, A Fraire Galvan, A Lartigue Guerra, H Lugo Rodriguez,Fernando Martinez, J D Gonzalez Garza,Z Lozano Arrambide, A Bocanegra Pena, A Arellano Hernandez, E J Sanchez Alejo, J E Leal Cardenas,M A Garcia Coronado, F J Cantu Galindo, J E De La Garza Campos,F Garza Webster,R A Alvarez Larzon, H E Lopez Saldivar,B Salazar Saldana, H Lozano Loredo, G Rocha Ramirez,J M Cantu Garza, G Luna Marines,J S Pena Alanis,A Cuevas Rios,I Mier Lastiri, S Magallon Blanco
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 46

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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