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Papers共 621 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Camiel M. Van der Laan,Hill F. Ip,Marijn Schipper,Jouke-Jan Hottenga,Eva M. L. Krapohl,Isabell Brikell,María Soler Artigas, Judith Cabana-Domínguez,Llonga Natalia,Ilja M. Nolte,Beate St Pourcain,Koen Bolhuis,Teemu Palviainen,Hadi Zafarmand,Scott Gordon,Tetyana Zayats,Fazil Aliev,Alexandra S. Burt,Carol A. Wang,Gretchen Saunders,Ville Karhunen,Daniel E. Adkins,Richard Border,Roseann E. Peterson,Joseph A. Prinz,Elisabeth Thiering,Natàlia Vilor-Tejedor,Tarunveer S. Ahluwalia,Andrea Allegrini,Kaili Rimfeld,Qi Chen,Yi Lu,Joanna Martin,Rosa Bosch,Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga,Alexander Neumann,Judith Ensink,Katrina Grasby,José J. Morosoli,Xiaoran Tong,Shelby Marrington,James G. Scott,Andrey A. Shabalin,Robin Corley,Luke M. Evans,Karen Sugden,Silvia Alemany,Lærke Sass,Rebecca Vinding,Erik A. Ehli,Fiona A. Hagenbeek,Eske Derks,Henrik Larsson,Harold Snieder,Charlotte Cecil,Alyce M. Whipp,Tellervo Korhonen,Eero Vuoksimaa,Richard J. Rose,André G. Uitterlinden,Jan Haavik,Jennifer R. Harris,Øyvind Helgeland,Stefan Johansson,Gun Peggy S. Knudsen,Pal Rasmus Njolstad,Qing Lu,Alina Rodriguez,Anjali K. Henders,Abdullah Mamun,Jackob M. Najman, Sandy Brown,Christian Hopfer,Kenneth Krauter,Chandra Reynolds,Andrew Smolen,Michael Stallings,Sally Wadsworth,Tamara Wall,Lindon Eaves,Judy L. Silberg,Allison Miller,Alexandra Havdahl,Sabrina Llop,Maria-Jose Lopez-Espinosa,Klaus Bønnelykke,Jordi Sunyer,Louise Arseneault,Marie Standl,Joachim Heinrich,Joseph Boden,John Pearson,John Horwood,Martin Kennedy,Richie Poulton,Hermine H. Maes,John Hewitt,William E. Copeland,Christel M. Middeldorp,Gail M. Williams,Naomi Wray,Marjo-Riitta Järvelin,Matt McGue,William Iacono,Avshalom Caspi,Terrie E. Moffitt,Andrew Whitehouse,Craig E. Pennell,Kelly L. Klump,Chang Jiang,Danielle M. Dick,Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud,Nicholas G. Martin,Sarah E. Medland,Tanja Vrijkotte,Jaakko Kaprio,Henning Tiemeier,George Davey Smith,Catharina A. Hartman,Albertine J. Oldehinkel,Miquel Casas,Marta Ribasés,Paul Lichtenstein,Sebastian Lundström,Robert Plomin,Meike Bartels,Michel G. Nivard,Dorret I. Boomsma
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 623

#Citation: 29460

H-Index: 81

G-Index: 158

Sociability: 8

Diversity: 3

Activity: 21

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