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Papers共 18 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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L C Ventura, Laird S A Reid W V,S A Laird,C A Meyer,R Gomez, A Sittenfeld,Daniel H Janzen,Michael A Gollin,C Juma, A Machado C,B Mook, J Bingen,S V Poats,D Kaimowitz, Jesus M Cesar,L O Abe,E M Ntokotha, E J Kemsley, O B Mmolawa, L L Setshwaelo,P Marcotte, Barbee W Izquierdo Sandi E
H Gallardo Martinez, D Harmon,C Reid,D Byerlee,R G Echeverria,G Gijsbers,W Janssen,H H Odame,Gerdien W Meijerink, Eds,N Mateo, R Moreno,W T M Jansen, B Mills,Hope A Michelsen, David Shapiro,V N Asopa,G Beye,P B Eyzaguire, Idachaba F S Ruttan V W,Carl E Pray, T W, L W, R W, L C Gonzalez Umana,Romano O L Novoa B A R,D Horton,A R Novoa B, Douglas C Daniels,B Nestel, E L Felton Junior,S H Hobbs,F Cirio, Suqin Fan,P G Pardey,G Villanueva,J Corven, Antonio J R De Campos, Nair P K R Krishnamurthy L,J A Leosrodriguez,E H Gilbert,Jill K Posner, James Sumberg,David G Mclaren,Rohan L Fernando,Harris A Lewin,Lawrence B Schook,T R Quirino, Jose Roberto Pereira,L O Abe,J Cesar,A Zinyemba,P Q Cweba,P Lekhotla,T Namane,V Palmieri, N S Randhawa
K C Blanchard, P R Jones, J Hale,Rhiannon S Williams, D Grote, R Bacal, Rock M L Berger L A, Taylor Wilson, J Fitzenz,Hicks R Bone D, S T, H E Zaccarello, C K Goman, L Tyczak, Bone D Griggs R,J C Batten, E Salvado, J R Hackman, Hampton D R Summer C E Webber R A,Craig R Cohen, R Baldi Camacho,Abe L O Marcotte P, Pereira J R Abe L O,Cesar J Abe L O,L Zuidema,A Zinyemba,E M Ntokotha,Kemsley E J Mmolawa O B Setshwaelo L L,Cweba P Q Lekhotla P Namane T,P Marcotte,L O Abe,B Mook, Rico R R Ledesma C A Zapata C I, M Mook,Bingen J Poats S Kaimowitz D
W T M Jansen,Roberto Bisang,G E Gutman,Cristina Roig,Rodrigo Rabetino, W H Janssen,Philip G Pardey,Johannes Roseboom,H Medina Castro, R Jimenez Rivera, P J George, A Wuyts Fivawo, P Salazar Estrada, Cynthia Winter, Eliseo Cruz Vergara,R Bazan, H Hanson,H Urena Brenes, Thomas Reardon,Nazir C Islam, Fano Rodriguez H Ramakrishna B, Leon Gomez P Ramakrishna B,Ramakrishna B,S H Hobbs,M P De Pena, G Valenzuela S,G Federacion Nacional De Cafeteros De Colombia Cadena G, A D Krikorian,V Villalobos, Catie Turrialba Cadena G G,T R Quirino, F Hoyos, C Manchego, Monica A Menz, E E Mendez,N Reyes, F Navarro, E Gil, I Coria, R Justiniano, Toshiharu Tanaka,L O Abe,Patrice Marcotte, Jose Roberto Pereira,J Cesar,L Zuidema,E M Ntokotha,J J Mende, R J Fenner,D Ford, M B K Hakutanwi, B J Mabhena, R M Mufandaedza, L Kuswere, T N Ngongoni, S B Stacey,Pangirayi Tongoona,P Q Cweba,P Lekhotla,T Namane,J A Kategile,J M Toledo,H H Li Pun,Pizarro E A Kategile J A, Evans T R Kategile J A, J Kahurananga, L S Akundabweni, J A, A B Lwoga, Lugenja M M S Kategile J A, S A,Jhon H Rasambainarivo, Razafindratsita Rabehanitriniony M Kategile J A, Astere G Kategile J A, Dzowela B H Kategile J A, C A
D Kinlaw,Somer L Bishop,Blanchard K Carlos J P Randolph A, F F Reichheld,Asopa V N Beye G, R Likert, W K Black, J M Perez Soto, Alfaro Escolar M Alfaro Beltran F, J I Castresana, P B Crosby, F Arias Galicia, H Shimazaki, R B Nelson, G Dessler, A F Sikula, I Chiavenato, A Reyes Ponce,Randolph W A Posner B Z,Daniels D Nestel B,Abe L O Marcotte P,Pereira J R Abe L O,Cesar J Abe L O,L Zuidema,A Zinyemba,E M Ntokotha,Kemsley E J Mmolawa O B Setshwaelo L L,Cweba P Q Lekhotla P Namane T, P Marcotte,L O Abe
N Rico, B Munoz, O Jimenez, Medrano D Villar R, Biher C Clark C Clark J,A L Demilio, W Reuben S,Cesar J Abe L O,L O Abe, Poeschel R U Demilio A L
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 18

#Citation: 549

H-Index: 18

G-Index: 18

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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