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Papers共 332 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Josip Car,Qi Chwen Ong,Tatiana Erlikh Fox, Daniel Leightley, Sandra J Kemp,Igor Švab, Kelvin K F Tsoi, Amir H Sam, Fiona M Kent, Attila J Hertelendy, Christopher A Longhurst,John Powell,Hossam Hamdy, Huy V Q Nguyen, Sola Aoun Bahous,Mai Wang, Martin Baumgartner, Yodi Mahendradhata, Natasa Popovic, Andy W H Khong,Charles G Prober,Rifat Atun, Digital Health Systems Collaborative, Abebe Bekele Zerihun,Akira-Sebastian Poncette, Al Joseph R Molina, Albano V L Ferreira, Almir Fajkic, Amit Kaushal, Andrew J Farmer, Andrew S Lane, Andrzej A Kononowicz, Aparna V Bhongir, Barnabas T Alayande, Benard Ayaka Bene, Christian J Dameff, Cynthia Hallensleben,David A Back, Dawan J Hawezy, Dieudonné Steve M Tulantched,Ekaterina Kldiashvili, Emmanuel K Achampong, Ganesh Ramachandran, Goran Hauser, Jakob Grove,Jason P Y Cheung, John O Imaralu, John O Sotunsa, Juan P Bulnes Vides, Katharine S Lawrence,Louis Agha-Mir-Salim,Luca Saba,Luxia Zhang, Mahmoud M A Elfiky, Markus W Hesseling, Michelle P Guppy, Mrunal S Phatak, A, Nai Ming Lai, Niels H Chavannes, Oliver Kimberger, Pedro Povoa, Poh-Sun Goh,Rebecca Grainger, Rishi S Nannan Panday, Rowena Forsyth, Sandro Vento, Sang Yeoup Lee, Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Simone Appenzeller, Spiros Denaxas, Stephen Ekundayo Garba, Tabea Flügge, Tomislav Bokun, Vajira H W Dissanayake, Vincent Ho, Yasser A Obadiel
Chenglong Li, Daijun He,Yufan Liu, Chao Yang,Luxia Zhang, Rodica Pop-Busui
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 336

#Citation: 12034

H-Index: 50

G-Index: 105

Sociability: 8

Diversity: 3

Activity: 60

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