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Papers共 4 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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T Gally, S R Singh,K O Rachie,K E Dashiell,M Castano J, P Tamayo M,F J Morales G,Enio Marchezan,Jose Antonio Costa, Paulo R C Castro,O J Crocomo,J A Marini,Reinier Mutters,J A Martini,J Didonet, R De A Sarmento, R W De Souza Aguiar,G R Dos Santos,Eduardo Andrea Lemus Erasmo, J Aguero A,A Soto A,F Herrera, Wellington G Campos,F E Rosales,F Herrera M, Manuel De Vicente Gonzalez, San Jose Instituto Nacional De Aprendizaje, Cherie L Ramirez,M Escalante A,R C Araya Villalobos,M Musmanni Q, M Gonzalez U, L Castro Barquero,O Acuna,S Campos,J Uresti, M Cadena, S Jacome, Elena Lopez,S S De, L Navarro,D L Kass,Shobana Shanmugasundaram, J C Rupe,M J Cochran,R G Orellana, Charles Sloger,Virginia L Miller, R S Smith, R H Miller,John W Gronwald,Hwa Young Cho,Jack M Widholm,F W Slife, L E Bendixen,Tomris Altug, M Gonul,E J Orok,J P Bowland, L A Camero R, H C Campabadal, C H,Mario Jose Pedro Junior,N A Villa Nova, H Lopez Garcia, A Garcia Bernal,C Diaz Polanco, P Maurezutt,G Salas De Diaz, A Ibarra E, O Carrillo Araya,C Achio Tacsan, A Alvarez,J G Charpentier Salazar, J S Castellanos De Leon, S Ortega, J Tesara,E Villalobos,L A Fournier, R Alfaro M,San Jose Ministerio De Agricultura Y Ganaderia,E A Debrot C, A Ordosgoitti F
Author Statistics

#Papers: 4

#Citation: 451

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 4

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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