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Papers共 9 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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A Et Al Rozcengardt,M A Rivera, Grover R Agada J, Michael Sauers, Coto L Gil M, I J L Mettini, A C Chavez S,A A Castillo, J Hernandez Sifontes, Arias De Guerrero A M, P R Dewey, O Lendvay,Antonio Moretti, S A Roberts, R Ramirez Estrada,Soniaveronica Novello
Miguel Angel Romero Moreno, I Et Al Montilla De Bravo,J Gamboa Porras,J Mora Montero,A Germain Lefevre,S Aguinada, J Hancco,R Blas,M Quispe,R Ugas,M E Tapia Nunez, Jose Luiz Rodrigues Torres,W Apaza,E Lino,R Eds Quispe,Rene A Hernandez,Manuel Sosa,Anna Teresa Meneguzzo,A Gallina, Alberto Conte,E A Todeschini,G Salvador,L Ilha, N Lotario Simon,P Lipp Joao,R Roque Oss,V A Secchi, J Gonsalvez, Thomas Becker, Alexander Braun, D Capilan,H De Chavez, E Fajber, M Kapiriri, J Rivacacaminade, Ronnie Vernooy,E Peralta,N Mazon,A Murillo,M A Rivera,C Monar,E Peralta I,A Murillo I,N Mazon O,E Falconi C,C Monar B,Pinzon Z J Rivera M M,Luis Zamora Q,E J Indarte, Anselmo Eloy Silveira Viana,R Munguia,Luis A Garcia, Francisco De Borja Rodriguez,D Escoto, M Contreras, Claudio A Perez, E J Ambrose,R L Villareal, D Elvey, Michele Ramsay, Uribe S Ramakrishna B, A Jine C,E Meek,H Aldana Navarrete, R Bolanos, A Guerrero, Eds, J D Quevedo Guillen, S Valenzuela Rey,A Espinoza Banda,C Vazquez Vazquez,Salazar Sosa E Anaya Garduno M,D Rivera Olivar,H Gonzalez I,F Vilaro,D Pagliano
Author Statistics

#Papers: 9

#Citation: 207

H-Index: 9

G-Index: 9

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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