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A L Perez, Felix Quintero Martinez,Jacques Guillot,A Blanco,Z Vazquez,P Ochoa,Y Matos,P Clape,A Columbie, Maria Del Carmen Menendez,C Moya,R A Ramos,G Suarez,F Rodriguez,J A Hernandez,Dan F B Flynn,M Gogol Prokurat,T Nogeire,N Molinari,B Trautman Richers,Brenda B Lin, Nancy E Simpson,Margaret M Mayfield,F A J Declerck,J M Poehlman,Huilin Li,J Rivera Blandon, C Y Lin, S H Lai, S Cortes,W Diaz, P Bigirumwani, O Schoneich,Eric Simon, Tomas Hernandez Tejeda, J C Martinez, M J Garcia,Carlos D Bustamante,Ricardo J Caballero, F Frometa, M Planes,Rey F Guarat,Efrain Martinez Ortiz, C Sanchez,Abel Fernandez,P Caro Cayado, E Vilches Jacomino,J A Lacerra Espino, M Turino Pena, M Rodriguez Cidron,N Santana Bussy,Lara Lloret Iglesias,Marta C Gonzalez,R Relova, G Vignon,J R Martin, Victor Antonio Rodriguez,M Rodriguez Perez, B Lleonart Carrazana,S L Cortes Hernandez,Ofelia Sam, Shu S Lin,F I F De Carvalho, Porto Alegre Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, M T Chen, Tingcheng Chang,L S Lin, P M Morse,G Butler, I J Hall,C Nault,W B Muhuyi,Erma Z Drobnis,E A Nelson, T Y Lin,Samuel L Hunter,L L Garcia, J L Bohrer, L S Filardi,F Simon,A A Ikuno,Siegfried Mueller
Y Gutierrez Rojas,S Velasquez Mazarriego,E Carbono De La Hoz,Dan F B Flynn,M Gogol Prokurat,T Nogeire,N Molinari,B Trautman Richers,Brenda B Lin, Nicholas E Simpson,Margaret M Mayfield,F Declerck,Manfred Muller,A R Sena Gomes,Larry L Rockwood,Gilda Carneiro Ferreira, D H Charlesworth,J C Morales Cancino,S K Vasal, A I Ortega,Sarvesh Kumar Pandey,Jean H Langenheim,K V Thimann, D L Richarson, C Chavez,H Acevedo,J Bustamante, Livia Leon Paniagua, Raul Chavez, I Juan Carlos,J P Cornelius, Maria I Montoya,B Gallego Castillo, E A Phillips,Laszlo Orloci, N C Kenkel,Paul A Colinvaux, Robert Neuhausl,H Dierschke,J J Barkman, Eds, J Canales Colindres,S D Matteucci,A Colma,O Delanoe,B De Montmollin, L P Olivier, V Mainardi, H A Saravia Cruz,Jonathan Silvertown,J Lovett Doust, J P Jain,V T Prabhakaran, J Martinez Perez, M Daccarett Daccarett, H G Bohle, A R Espinosa Sepulveda,Risto Kalliola, Mikko Puhakka, Walter Danjoy,Hakan Hytteborn,C Skarpe, J T White, K Falinska,R Gio Argaez,I Hernandez Ruiz,E Sainz Hernandez, M L Reyna Vasquez, F Delascio Chitty, A Gonzalez,E Guizar Nolazco, A Sanchez Velez, R Echeverry E, J Martinez Medina, M M Rodriguez,L Romero Herrera,L Orozco Vilchez,Michael J Crawley,H R Gregorius,A A Pereira,Laercio Zambolim,G M Chaves,Ney Sussumu Sakiyama,F M Amoah,K Osei Bonsu,F K Oppong,K Opoku Ameyaw, A Carvalho,L C Monaco,L C Fazuoli, I D Gentchujicov,S T Ampofo,E E N A Bonaparte
Author Statistics

#Papers: 5

#Citation: 654

H-Index: 5

G-Index: 5

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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