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Papers共 23 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Raquel Guimaraes-Costa,Thomas Similowski,Isabelle Rivals,Capucine Morelot-Panzini,Marie-Cecile Nierat,Mai Thao Bui,David Akbar,Christian Straus,Norma Beatriz Romero,Patrick Pierre Michel,Fabrice Menegaux,Francois Salachas,Jesus Gonzalez-Bermejo,Gaelle Bruneteau,Maria Del Mar Amador,Jean Christophe Antoine, Marie Christine Arne-Bes,Valerie Attali,Katell Beauvais,Veronique Brunaud Danel,Jean-Philippe Camdessanche,William Camu,Laurence Carluer,Julien Cassereau,Maud Chapart,Bruno Chenuel,Nathalie Chereau,Pascal Cintas,Pierre Clavelou, Philippe Corda, Andre Cornette,Philippe Couratier,Isabelle Court-Fortune,Antoine Cuvelier, Christophe Delclaux,Claude Desnuelle, Sophie Di Maria,Catherine Fargeot,Brigitte Fauroux, Armelle Finet-Monnier,Marie Celine Fleury, Carmen Gaillat,Marjolaine Georges,Maurice Giroud, Annick Greil, Muriel Guerrier,Nathalie Guy,Didier Hannequin, Valerie Juillien,Raul Juntas-Morales,Romain Kessler, Yvan Kolev,Julien Lagarde,Geraldine Lautrette, Pierre Le Cam, Nadine LeForestier,Gwendal Lemasson, Thimothee Lenglet,Pascal Magro,Anne Mallart,Olivier Martinaud,Vincent Meininger,Nicole Meslier, Pierre Moirot,Yann Nadjar,Guillaume Nicolas, Myriam Niel-Duriez,Severine Noullet,Nicolas Pageot, Thierry Perez,Christophe Perrin, Odile Pillet,Sophie Pittion,Jean Pouget, Pierre-Franos Pradat,Helene Prigent,Claudio Rabec, Jean-Damien Ricard,Norma Romero,Catherine Royer, Barbara Schaup,Kamila Sedkaoui,Marie-Helene Soriani,Marie-Laure Tanguy,Christine Tranchant,Nadia Vandenberghe, Annie Vershueren,Fausto Viader, Anne-Cecile Wienalek-Bachelet
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 23

#Citation: 567

H-Index: 12

G-Index: 18

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 4

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