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Papers共 7 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Bratti R Mauriciovita A Antonio Wrann H Johannes, Sanquetta Carlos Robertocorte Ana Pd Silva Fernando Da, Medina Lopez S B Salazar Gutierrez L F, M A Gimeno,A O Gargano, L E Tergas, Chacon Moreno E Rada F Sarmiento G,J A K Alves, I Vasquez Cooz, P F Rueda Gutierrez,L R Mejia Chinchilla, Alexandra Correa,R Blanco Escobar, Ortega V C M Avila Z M A Mercado P, Villarreal M Zuniga R Argel P J Ramirez P A, Reid M S Lukaszewski T A, Norman G A Corte O O, R A Solano A,P Madrigal Cordero, C S Valente, R Ulate Montero,J D Rodriguez Rodriguez, F Ricardo Ricardo, L Quevedo Hurtado, H Munoz C, F Paez Pizarro, J A Oporta Tellez, R Losilla Badilla, J A Aguillon Ramirez, J A Alarcon Viscarra, G Lehsmann, C Kellermann,G A Madrigal Chavarria, R Gonzalez Ramirez,V H Fonseca Fonseca, R Borel Beguin, F Blume, M L B D Apice, G O Addison, F Murillo Murillo,Valdo Rodrigues Herling
R F Arias Barrios, A Valdemar Obregon,F Badilla F,J V Gomez M,R Blanco Escobar, E Morataya, Javier Estrada, L Zanotti Mendez,G L Baeza, Eds,L Corado,L Tejada,G Roldan,H Vargas, A O Montoya Castaneda, J Salvador Castellanos,H S Cordova,J L Queme,Lino De La Cruz Larios,Carlos A Perez,H E Vargas B, M A Amezquita Navarro, G N Matta Gutierrez, E A Bautista Gomez, G A Elias Ogaldez,Vanesa Robles, J A Zamora De Leon, G A Mendez Gomez, C Sinibaldi,C E Estrada B,R E Herrera P,Martinez H H A,E Oliva H
Author Statistics

#Papers: 7

#Citation: 159

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 7

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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