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Papers共 7 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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C Carabaguías, C Torres, J Sánchez,R Monge González,E Lizano Fait,D Prévost,MD Ingco, JD Nash, A Estevadeordal, C Robert,J Cascio, B Townsend,R Retrapake,R Hillary,WC Culley, D Tussie, J Granados,EM Graham,JD Richardson, D Rodrik,W Arrecis de Azurdia, M Castro Mazariegos, S Estrada Farfán,A Stocchiero, N Kirmani, MA Da Costa,VO Roningen, FH Sanderson,G Parellada, CA Maggi, R Blousson, E Guardini, ME Iturregui, N Wade, P Canning,H Vroomen, P Evans, J Walsh, EAC de Zavalía, L Abugattás, M Schiff,A Valdés, N Johnson, B Cabarle, DW Pearce, JJ Warford,JA Aguirre, O Tablada,M Palencia de Quesada
Dirven M Ortega L,R Hillary, J W Wilkie, Jacobs E Marambio J L Notaro J Valdes L, H R, Zolezzi Chocano O Keshua A Rodriguez D Rodriguez F, Azzoni C R Frick O O, Rojas R G Izquierdo Sandi E, Alvarado J M Izquierdo Sandi E
R Monge Gonzalez,E Lizano Fait,D Prevost, Ingco M D Nash J D,J Cascio,Townsend B Retrapake R,R Hillary,W C Culley,Diana Tussie,Jose A Tapia Granados, Graham E M Richardson J D,Dani Rodrik,A Stocchiero,Aguirre J A Tablada O G,M Palencia De Quesada,M Freites P,A Valdes,H J Martinez Covaleda, Paul King,Rojas Rodriguez M Fernandez M P Del, Caro Crapivinsky J Tello Coello J,R Bown,C Narrod,Edilberto Guevara Perez, Antoine P A Mascoll C A,O Solorzano, S A Cerro, Brack D Grubb M Windram C, Muchnik E Valdes C Roe T, Valdes A Valdes C Roe T
Author Statistics

#Papers: 7

#Citation: 140

H-Index: 6

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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