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Sandra G. Biedroń (Senior Member, IEEE) has been working as the Managing Member of a Research and Development company Element Aero, since 2002. She is currently a Research Professor in both electrical and computer engineering and mechanical engineering with the College of Engineering, The University of New Mexico (UNM) to mentor students. She leads many research projects and recently served as the Deputy Lead Engineer for the Integration and Test of an Innovative Naval Prototype through a Boeing Contract. Formerly, she was the Department of Defense Project Office Director and a Physicist with the Argonne National Laboratory. She was an Associate Director of the Argonne Accelerator Institute. She served as a Technical and Management Consultant on the successful FERMI free-electron laser project at Sincrotrone Trieste. Her research interests include particle accelerator systems, laser systems, the use of artificial intelligence in controls, modeling, and prediction of complex systems, sensors and detectors, and applications of these technologies in science, security, and defense. She recently served as a Co-Lead for the Department of Energy’s report—Basic Research Needs for Compact Accelerators for Security and Medicine for the Computing, Controls and Design Technical Group. She is a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), a Senior Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), a fellow of the SPIE, and a member of the Italian Optical Society (SIOF). She serves as a reviewer for several journals and served on the Editorial Board for the American Physical Society’s Physical Review Accelerators and Beams and IEEE Access. She recently served as a Senior Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science and as an Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics. She serves as a technical reviewer on projects worldwide, including as the Chair of the Program Advisory Committee (APAC) of the Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). She has myriad archival and conference papers and technical documents, holds a U.S. patent, has an international patent pending, and holds an international trademark. Further, she served on a NATO panel for sensors and electronics. In 2010, she was presented a Letter of Commendation by the Chief of Naval Research for her technical efforts. In 2018, she received the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society’s Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Award.
Research Interests
Papers共 200 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo,S. Biedron,J. Boissevain,M. Borrego,L. Bugel,M. Chavez-Estrada,J. M. Conrad,R. L. Cooper,A. Diaz,J. R. Distel,J. C. D'Olivo,E. Dunton,B. Dutta,D. Fields,J. R. Gochanour,M. Gold,E. Guardincerri,E. C. Huang,N. Kamp,D. Kim,K. Knickerbocker,W. C. Louis,J. T. M. Lyles,R. Mahapatra,S. Maludze,J. Mirabal,D. Newmark,P. deNiverville,V. Pandey,D. Poulson,H. Ray,E. Renner,T. J. Schaub,A. Schneider,M. H. Shaevitz,D. Smith,W. Sondheim,A. M. Szelc,C. Taylor,A. Thompson,W. H. Thompson,M. Tripathi,R. T. Thornton,R. van Berg,R. G. Van de Water
Physical review D/Physical review Dno. 9 (2024)
A. Aslam,S. G. Biedron, Y. Ma, J. Murphy,M. Burger,J. Nees,A. G. R. Thomas,K. Krushelnick, M. Martinez-Ramon
A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo,D. S. M. Alves,S. Biedron,J. Boissevain,M. Borrego,L. Bugel,M. Chavez-Estrada,J. M. Conrad,R. L. Cooper,A. Diaz,J. R. Distel,J. C. D'Olivo,E. Dunton,B. Dutta,D. Fields,J. R. Gochanour,M. Gold,E. Guardincerri,E. C. Huang,N. Kamp,D. Kim,K. Knickerbocker,W. C. Louis,J. T. M. Lyles,R. Mahapatra,S. Maludze,J. Mirabal,D. Newmark,N. Mishra,P. deNiverville,V. Pandey,D. Poulson,H. Ray,E. Renner,T. J. Schaub,A. Schneider,M. H. Shaevitz,D. Smith,W. Sondheim,A. M. Szelc,C. Taylor,A. Thompson,W. H. Thompson,M. Tripathi,R. T. Thornton,R. Van Berg,R. G. Van de Water,S. Verma
arXiv (Cornell University) (2022)
A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo,D. S. M. Alves,S. Biedron,J. Boissevain,M. Borrego,M. Chavez-Estrada,A. Chavez,J. M. Conrad,R. L. Cooper,A. Diaz,J. R. Distel,J. C. D'Olivo,E. Dunton,B. Dutta, A. Elliott,D. Evans,D. Fields,J. Greenwood,M. Gold,J. Gordon,E. Guarincerri,E. C. Huang,N. Kamp,C. Kelsey,K. Knickerbocker,R. Lake,W. C. Louis,R. Mahapatra,S. Maludze,J. Mirabal,R. Moreno,H. Neog, P. de Niverville,V. Pandey,J. Plata-Salas,D. Poulson,H. Ray,E. Renner,T. J. Schaub,M. H. Shaevitz,D. Smith,W. Sondheim,A. M. Szelc,C. Taylor,W. H. Thompson,R. T. Thornton,M. Tripathi,R. Van Berg,R. G. Van de Water,S. Verma, K. Walker
Reza Pirayeshshirazinezhad,Sandra G. Biedron, Jorge Alberto Diaz Cruz,Salvador Sosa Guitron,Manel Martinez-Ramon
arXiv (Cornell University) (2022)
S. Biedron,L. Brouwer,D. L. Bruhwiler,N. M. Cook, L. A., Edelen,D. Filippetto,C.-K. Huang,A. Huebl,N. Kuklev,R. Lehe,S. Lund, C., Messe,W. Mori, C.-K. Ng,D. Perez,P. Piot,J. Qiang,R. Roussel,D. Sagan, A., Sahai,A. Scheinker,F. Tsung,J.-L. Vay,D. Winklehner,H. Zhang
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 201
#Citation: 4575
H-Index: 25
G-Index: 64
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 10
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