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Papers共 7 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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R A Calderon Fallas,L A Sanchez Chaves, F Ramirez Arias, C G,P Descamps,C J Sepulveda Lopez,F Casasola,M Ibrahim,C Villanueva,O Arguello,I Gutierrez Montes,G G Rivas Platero,O Springate Baginski,D S Allen,W R T Darwall, P Jean Prost,P Medori,Y Le Conte,C De Juan,J Brin,A Betancur,J P M Grandjean B,S O Campo D,P Segeren, Amelia L Sattler,A D De Farias,E G De Moura, P Jeanprost,M A Adey,P T Walker, Roeland Wouters,A G Harrison,A Hebden, Francois A Richard, Wilhelm Drescher, E Crane,J Jimenez Burgos,R Reyes Rodas, G S Ordetx,P Aragon Leiva, Manuel Gutierrez,G Davila,Windevoxhel N Ammour T,A Imbach,D Suman,N Windevoxhel, Eds, D Espina Perez, C H Barreto,O J Umana Erazo,V S Korikanthimath,Rayda K Krell,Lorena Cornejo, S Lopezpalacios, J B Marquina Olmedo, C C Saenz Barrio, C R Kellogg, M V Cadena,P Nogueira Neto, R Echeverry Arango, A Patruno Quatela, C R Gentry, O B Portillo Menendez, A Zappiricordati, E A Nelson,Vitor Mendes Pereira
A Castellanos,J Brin,A Betancur,J P M Grandjean B,S O Campo D,P Segeren, A R Sattler,A G Harrison,A Hebden, F A Richard,P Aragon Leiva, Maria Machimbarrena Gutierrez,G Davila, Windevoxhel N Ammour T,A Imbach,D Suman,N Windevoxhel, Eds, J B Marquina Olmedo, C C Saenz Barrio, D Espina Perez, G S Ordetx, E A Nelson,Vitor Mendes Pereira, F De M Caceres,Laura Bianco,J W Van Veen, H G Arce Arce, E Crane,P A Zevallos Pollito, E E Perez Castro,Eliana Amaral, Alan Chung, Jose Luis Alvarez Arce
R R Anson,P Pfaumann,D Asun,P Tapia,J Fernandez Reyes,R Rivera A, H H, E P Barrera, Raquel Yague Munoz, James N Harris,P Bulo,S O Campo D,W Bustamante,A Monares,R Hernandez,P Monares,J P M Grandjean B,Gregg A Howe, Dan F M Goodman, P Ruizbravo Lopez,M Barrig,V E Vinas,T Rodriguez Claros, G Villa Melo, Cons, Cleso Antonio Patto Pacheco, R Rivera,A Claros Goitia,R Haudry De Soucy, Iturri Salmon J Claros Goitia A,J Iturri Salmon, Ana M Ocampo
Author Statistics

#Papers: 7

#Citation: 160

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 7

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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