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Research Interests

Papers共 4 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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M I Gonzalez Lutz,A Duran Quiros,D Mora Acevedo,N Kameswara Rao, J D Hanson,M Ehsan Dullo,K K Ghosh,D Nowell,M Larinde,M P Agudelo Patino,S P Huertas Rojas,G R Rodas Velasquez,I Escriche Roberto,E M Domenech Antich,L Cordero,J J Salas,E Bustamante,D Saborio Arguello,M Mohammed,C E Benitez,H R Castro,Alessandra Ricca,S R Vaudagna,E F De Leon Barrios,J Diaz M, Gustavo Hernandez Carmona, M V Castro B,R L Willan, G B Bisset, E Dawson, R B Jones, Photo Ken Reynolds, C R Garcia Alonso, Rafael Rodriguez, J M Tabares Rodriguez,J A Medina San Juan, D Francis, L D Schmidt, M A Perez Flores, F Marin Thiele, Flores E M Ouedraogo A S,Knud Poulsen,F Stubsgaard, Eds,Alphonse Ouedraogo, Helio Almeida Burity, R E Diaz Donaire, L M Chan, J P Comaroni, M P Satija,M Del M Cerdas,M V Saenz,M Montero, B J Toomey, D W Hall, V H W Dowson, A H W Aten, Ingrid Mann, Erol C Harvey,R Marte,A Medlicott, M A Altieri,J La Gra
Author Statistics

#Papers: 4

#Citation: 92

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 4

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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