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F Ramirez Aguero,L Hernandez Hernandez,D Padilla Castillo,I A Gutierrez Montes,G G Rivas Platero,H Kammerbauer,J Leon,N Castellon,S Gomez,J M Gonzalez,J Faustino,K Prins,A Matamoros Cueva, Pedro Rodriguez Rodriguez,R Arias P, Montes De Oca E A Aa Van Der,A Montes De Oca, T Van Osch, R Schamhart,I Schreuel,A Thijs,Aa Van Der, Schamhart R Aa Van Der,Osch T Van Aa Van Der,Van Der Aa, A Lingen,Ria Brouwers, M Nugteren, D Plantenga, L Zuidberg,G Saenz, C Fassaert,H N Palacios,L Ochoa,H Feldstein,Cornelia Butler Flora, Poats S V Fassaert C,J O Rivera,Sabine Westphal,Joske F G Bunders,B Haverkort,W Hiemstra, Eds,Tomas Diaz Valdes,E Gomariz, Coords,N Heyzer, R Jahan,Ester Boserup, Janice Jiggins,Janet G Townsend, Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca,L Guzman, S Fletcher B,M R Renzi,P Aburdene,John Naisbitt,P Perez Aleman, Carolina Callejas, M De La P Borjas,A L Garcia, Jessica M H Power, L Dwight, M L Zuniga M, K C,D Medrano, Sandra Hale
A I Ramirez Rodriguez,M Kappelle, Alexander Brown, Eds,C Martinez Cerdas,L Ramirez Farias, G Caceres M,T Stadtmuller,F Zadroga, J O Juvik, Agudelo N Lang H, A Musy,C Raber,T Flores D,T Lanzewizki, C A Hogervorst, R M, F Martinez G,Robert O Lawton,Francis E Putz, Zadroga F Lal R, E W Russell, W R Barbour, W A Dayton, Ivo Widmer,G Budowski, U Hernandez Sanchez,M G Paoletti, R A J Taylor,B R Stinner,Deborah Stinner,David H Benzing,Nalini M Nadkarni,Teri J Matelson, W Jimenez M,A Chaverri P,R Aus Der Beek,G Saenz, P E Neil, Rinaldo J Brun, K P B Thomson
Fernandes De Carvalho, A Brandao, I F Baptista De Oliveira, P H Cardoso Brandao,Saenz G Sabogal C
Juan Trujillo,Paulo Mazzafera,A Carvalho,L C Fazuoli,H P Medina Filho,Joanna E Lambert,Gerald A Rosenthal,Daniel H Janzen, Eds,R S Thakur,S K Srivastava,Y N Shukla,Felix G Coe,Gregory J Anderson,G Rodriguez Rodriguez,L D Payne, M C G Lopez Peralta,M D Vitorino,Adriana S Franca,L S De Oliveira,M L A Borges,R S Barros,M Maestri,A B Rena, Takashi Suzuki, Waller G R Fujiwara A,D Haldimann,Peter Brodelius,P M Frischknecht,Thomas Baumann, F A, B H Schulthess,L C Monaco,M R Sondahl,Michael N Clifford, Thomas R Williams,D Bridson,G M Nazario,Carol J Lovatt,Andreas Kappeler,H Greutert,J Ulmerdufek,D P Aviles,J B Matiello,A E Paulini,M R Pinheiro, Ana Furlan,R Bressani,Maria Jose Nunes De Paiva,J Janick, W R Kreiser,R A Martin Junior, R M Riggin,Peter T Kissinger, E K Obiakor, S I N Nwanko, A L L De P Ramos, E Marquez,Payne L D Westley S B,M H Powell, Musalem M A Westley S B, E A Flores L, M G Marenco M,Ermias Dagne, W Steglich,Amrik Singh Chawla, F M S Redha,Anthony H Jackson, I A H Barakat, Mohamed Abdulla, H Sing, A K Jindal,Anthony H Conner,John W Rowe,M I Abdullah, I E Bartakat,David E Games,P Ludgate, V G Mavraganis, V O Ratnayake, J M Kingsolver, J E Decewlle, Dewan S Bhakuni,Hema Uprety,D A Widdowson,Irene Baker, H G Baker, S Ghosal,Dipak Ghosh, S Dutta, A Ghaknoborti, R S Srivastava,Naveed Ahmed Khan,Stephen A Matlin,David S Millington, K T Taylor,Karl Folkers,Frank Koniuszy,J A Saenz, M F Nassar,G Saenz, P G Mantle, Michael J Coleman, Hardeep Singh,I Laws,M M Elolemy, A Ali, M A Elmottaleb
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 26

#Citation: 548

H-Index: 21

G-Index: 23

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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