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K Ackerstaff,G Alexander,J Allison,N Altekamp,K Ametewee,KJ Anderson,S Anderson,S Arcelli,S Asai,D Axen,G Azuelos,AH Ball,E Barberio,RJ Barlow,R Bartoldus,JR Batley,J Bechtluft,C Beeston,T Behnke,AN Bell,KW Bell,G Bella,S Bentvelsen, P Berlich,S Bethke,O Biebel,V Blobel,IJ Bloodworth,JE Bloomer,M Bobinski,P Bock,HM Bosch,M Boutemeur,BT Bouwens,S Braibant,RM Brown,HJ Burckhart,C Burgard,R Burgin,P Capiluppi,RK Carnegie,AA Carter,JR Carter,CY Chang,DG Charlton,D Chrisman,PEL Clarke,I Cohen,JE Conboy,OC Cooke,M Cuffiani,S Dado,C Dallapiccola,GM Dallavalle,S DeJong,LA delPozo,K Desch,MS Dixit,EDE Silva,M Doucet,E Duchovni,G Duckeck,IP Duerdoth,JEG Edwards,PG Estabrooks,HG Evans,M Evans,F Fabbri,P Fath,F Fiedler,M Fierro,HM Fischer,R Folman,DG Fong,M Foucher,A Furtjes,P Gagnon,A Gaidot,JW Gary,J Gascon,SM GasconShotkin,NI Geddes,C GeichGimbel,FX Gentit,T Geralis,G Giacomelli,P Giacomelli,R Giacomelli,V Gibson,WR Gibson,DM Gingrich,D Glenzinski,J Goldberg,MJ Goodrick,W Gorn,C Grandi,E Gross,J Grunhaus,M Gruwe,C Hajdu,GG Hanson, M Hansroul, M Hapke,CK Hargrove,PA Hart,C Hartmann,M Hauschild,CM Hawkes,R Hawkings,RJ Hemingway,M Herndon,G Herten,RD Heuer,MD Hildreth,JC Hill,SJ Hillier,T Hilse,PR Hobson,RJ Homer,AK Honma,D Horvath,R Howard,RE HughesJones,DE Hutchcroft,P IgoKemenes,DC Imrie,MR Ingram,K Ishii,A Jawahery,PW Jeffreys,H Jeremie,M Jimack,A Joly,CR Jones,G Jones,M Jones,RWL Jones,U Jost,P Jovanovic,TR Junk,D Karlen,K Kawagoe,T Kawamoto,RK Keeler,RG Kellogg,BW Kennedy,BJ King,J Kirk,S Kluth,T Kobayashi,M Kobel,DS Koetke,TP Kokott,M Kolrep,S Komamiya,T Kress,P Krieger,J vonKrogh,P Kyberd,GD Lafferty,H Lafoux,R Lahmann,WP Lai,D Lanske,J Lauber,SR Lautenschlager,JG Layter,D Lazic,AM Lee,E Lefebvre,D Lellouch, J Letts,L Levinson,C Lewis,SL Lloyd,FK Loebinger,GD Long,MJ Losty,J Ludwig,A Malik,M Mannelli,S Marcellini,C Markus,AJ Martin,JP Martin,G Martinez,T Mashimo,W Matthews,P Mattig,WJ McDonald,J McKenna,EA Mckigney,TJ McMahon,AI McNab,RA McPherson,F Meijers,S Menke,FS Merritt,H Mes,J Meyer,A Michelini,G Mikenberg,DJ Miller,R Mir,W Mohr,A Montanari,T Mori,M Morii,U Muller,K Nagai,I Nakamura,HA Neal,B Nellen,B Nijjhar,R Nisius,SW ONeale,FG Oakham,F Odorici,HO Ogren,NJ Oldershaw,T Omori,MJ Oreglia,S Orito,J Palinkas,G Pasztor,JR Pater,GN Patrick,J Patt,MJ Pearce,S Petzold,P Pfeifenschneider,JE Pilcher,J Pinfold,DE Plane,P Poffenberger, B Poli,A Posthaus,H Przysiezniak,DL Rees,D Rigby,S Robertson,SA Robins,N Rodning,JM Roney,A Rooke,E Ros,AM Rossi,M Rosvick,P Routenburg,Y Rozen,K Runge,O Runolfsson,U Ruppel,DR Rust,R Rylko,K Sachs,EKG Sarkisyan,M Sasaki,C Sbarra,AD Schaile,O Schaile,F Scharf,P ScharffHansen,P Schenk,B Schmitt,S Schmitt,M Schroder,HC SchultzCoulon,M Schulz, M Shumacher,P Schutz,WG Scott,TG Shears,BC Shen,CH ShepherdThemistocleous,P Sherwood,GP Siroli,A Sittler,A Skillman,A Skuja,AM Smith,TJ Smith,GA Snow,R Sobie,S SoldnerRembold,RW Springer,M Sproston,A Stahl,M Steiert,K Stephens,J Steuerer,B Stockhausen,D Strom,F Strumia,P Szymanski,R Tafirout,SD Talbot,S Tanaka,P Taras,S Tarem,M Thiergen,MA Thomson,E vonTorne,S Towers,I Trigger,T Tsukamoto,E Tsur,AS Turcot,MF TurnerWatson,P Utzat,R VanKooten,G Vasseur,M Verzocchi,P Vikas,M Vincter,EH Vokurka,F Wackerle,A Wagner,CP Ward,DR Ward,JJ Ward,PM Watkins,AT Watson,NK Watson,PS Wells,N Wermes,JS White,B Wilkens,GW Wilson,JA Wilson,G Wolf,S Wotton,TR Wyatt,S Yamashita,G Yekutieli,V Zacek
K Ackerstaff,G Alexander,J Allison,N Altekamp,K Ametewee,KJ Anderson,S Anderson,S Arcelli,S Asai,D Axen,G Azuelos,AH Ball,E Barberio,RJ Barlow,R Bartoldus,JR Batley,J Bechtluft,C Beeston,T Behnke,AN Bell,KW Bell,G Bella,S Bentvelsen,P Berlich,S Bethke,O Biebel,V Blobel,IJ Bloodworth,JE Bloomer,M Bobinski,P Bock,HM Bosch,M Boutemeur,BT Bouwens,S Braibant,RM Brown,HJ Burckhart,C Burgard,R Burgin,P Capiluppi,RK Carnegie,AA Carter,JR Carter,CY Chang,DG Charlton,D Chrisman,PEL Clarke,I Cohen,JE Conboy,OC Cooke,M Cuffiani,S Dado,C Dallapiccola,GM Dallavalle,S DeJong,LA delPozo,K Desch,MS Dixit,EDE Silva,M Doucet,E Duchovni,G Duckeck,LP Duerdoth,JEG Edwards,PG Estabrooks,HG Evans,M Evans,F Fabbri,P Fath,F Fiedler,M Fierro,HM Fischer,R Folman,DG Fong,M Foucher,A Furtjes,P Gagnon,JW Gary,J Gascon,SM GasconShotkin,NI Geddes,C GeichGimbel,T Geralis,G Giacomelli,P Giacomelli,R Giacomelli,V Gibson,WR Gibson,DM Gingrich,D Glenzinski,J Goldberg,MJ Goodrick,W Gorn,C Grandi,E Gross,J Grunhaus,M Gruwe,C Hajdu,GG Hanson,M Hansroul,M Hapke,CK Hargrove,PA Hart,C Hartmann,M Hauschild,CM Hawkes,R Hawkings,RJ Hemingway,M Herndon,G Herten,RD Heuer,MD Hildreth,JC Hill,SJ Hillier,T Hilse,PR Hobson,RJ Homer,AK Honma,D Horvath,R Howard,RE HughesJones,DE Hutchcroft,P IgoKemenes,DC Imrie,MR Ingram,K Ishii,A Jawahery,PW Jeffreys,H Jeremie,M Jimack,A Joly,CR Jones,G Jones,M Jones,RWL Jones,U Jost,P Jovanovic,TR Junk,D Karlen,K Kawagoe,T Kawamoto,RK Keeler,RG Kellogg,BW Kennedy,BJ King,J Kirk,S Kluth,T Kobayashi,M Kobel,DS Koetke,TP Kokott,M Kolrep,S Komamiya,T Kress,P Krieger,J vonKrogh,P Kyberd, JG Lafferty,R Lahmann,WP Lai,D Lanske,J Lauber,SR Lautenschlager,JG Layter,D Lazic,AM Lee,E Lefebvre,D Lellouch,J Letts,L Levinson,C Lewis,SL Lloyd,FK Leobinger,GD Long,MJ Losty,J Ludwig,M Mannelli,S Marcellini,C Markus,AJ Martin,JP Martin,G Martinez,T Mashimo,W Matthews,P Mattig,WJ McDonald,J McKenna,EA Mckigney,TJ McMahon,AI McNab,RA McPherson,F Meijers,S Menke,FS Merritt,H Mes,J Meyer,A Michelini,G Mikenberg,DJ Miller,R Mir,W Mohr,A Montanari, T Mori,M Morii,U Muller,K Nagai,I Nakamura,HA Neal,B Nellen,B Nijjhar,R Nisius,SW ONeale,FG Oakham,F Odorici,HO Ogren,NJ Oldershaw,T Omori,MJ Oreglia,S Orito,J Palinkas,G Pasztor,JR Pater,GN Patrick,J Patt,MJ Pearce,S Petzold,P Pfeifenschneider,JE Pilcher,J Pinfold,DE Plane,P Poffenberger,B Poli,A Posthaus,H Przysiezniak,DL Rees,D Rigby,S Robertson,SA Robins,N Rodning,JM Roney,A Rooke,E Ros,AM Rossi,M Rosvick,P Routenburg,Y Rozen,K Runge,O Runolfsson,U Ruppel,DR Rust,R Rylko,K Sachs,EKG Sarkisyan,M Sasaki,C Sbarra,AD Schaile,O Schaile,F Scharf,P ScharffHansen,P Schenk,B Schmitt,S Schmitt,M Schroder,HC SchultzCoulon,M Schulz,M Schumacher,P Schutz,WG Scott,TG Shears,BC Shen,CH ShepherdThemistocleous,P Sherwood,GP Siroli,A Sittler,A Skillman,A Skuja,AM Smith,TJ Smith,GA Snow,R Sobie,S SoldnerRembold,RW Springer,M Sproston,A Stahl,M Steiert,K Stephens,J Steuerer,B Stockhausen,D Strom,F Strumia,P Szymanski,R Tafirout,SD Talbot,S Tanaka,P Taras,S Tarem,M Thiergen,MA Thomson,E vonTorne,S Towers,I Trigger,T Tsukamoto,E Tsur,AS Turcot,MF TurnerWatson,P Utzat,R VanKooten,M Verzocchi,P Vikas,M Vincter,EH Vokurka,F Wackerle,A Wagner,CP Ward,DR Ward,JJ Ward,PM Watkins,AT Watson,NK Watson,PS Wells,N Wermes,JS White,B Wilkens,GW Wilson,JA Wilson,G Wolf,S Wotton,TR Wyatt,S Yamashita,G Yekutieli,V Zacek
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 87

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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