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Papers共 11 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Philip G Pardey,Wood S Y Hertford R,L Et Al Elder,Javier Organista Sandoval,M Rojas Barrantes,J Et Al Hollman, Michael H Graham,Maria Guadalupe Arceo Ortega,J Marrugo Negrete, Douglas D Glover,E Gonzalez Ganoa,J S Padilla Ramirez,M A Perales De La Cruz,Franck Galtier,Rafael V Orden Jimenez, Roberto A Jimenez,C Cespedes, Sandra Guerra, Yoshitaka Kumakura,P J Del Rosario,Ubiratan De Paula Santos, Jose Guadalupe Romero,T Contreras, Jose L Contreras, Ruben San Segundo Hernandez,Miguel A Gama Sosa, Marta E Sosa, A Reynoso, Carlos Salazar Martinez, Jose Luis Girela Lopez,Fernando Chaparro,E S De Obschatko,M P Foti,S Baranyi,Carmen Diana Deere, Martha Cecilia Rendon Morales,J P Sanchez Hernandez,W G Gonzalez Ugalde,Torres Gonzalez G De Grammont H C,Perez Lopez E P De Grammont H C,J Gay Gutierrez,F J Blanco Viera,Heredia G Ramakrishna B,B Aguilar Gonzalez, N R Kendall, J P Alexander, Bernhard Dick,G Robiou,G T Owen,L Babbar Amighetti, J Agosto, Robert Neal, C A D Burnham, Raymond J Lynn, Richard Lynn,Witherel A Sanchez Boza R, M J Fry, C Maybury, R Spidel,Ulate Chacon E Sanchez Boza R, Addink G H Sanchez Boza R,Teesing N Sanchez Boza R, Ramirez Pacheco M Sanchez Boza R
Esteban Krotz,V A Leary,E Lizano, G Lopez,M Niasse,A Iza, A Garane,Olli Varis,R Chacon Castro,A Valiente Lopez,K Romoleroux,M Herrera Bonilla,O M Morales, C H Durand Alcantara, M A Samano Renteria,G Gonzalez,L A Cordero Vega,R Sanchez Boza, L Cordoba Barquero, Eds, L Barrantes Rivera, R Saenz, Cons,D Alvarado Bonilla
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 14

#Citation: 322

H-Index: 14

G-Index: 14

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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