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His research is centered on the development of superconducting power sensors in the microwave to far-infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This includes the design, fabrication and characterization of new forms and applications of transition edge sensor (TES) and microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) technologies. Such devices have applications spanning cosmology, astronomy, security imaging, and quantum information science. In the cosmology application, these ultra-sensitive cryogenic sensors are coupled to powerful telescopes and together are capable of measuring minute electromagnetic fluctuations from the birth of the Universe. Such measurements probe many aspects of fundamental physics, including the total mass of the neutrino species, the matter/energy content and nature of the Universe (dark matter, dark energy), and use the big bang as a laboratory to test physics at energies unattainable in even the most powerful particle accelerators on Earth.
Dr. Austermann’s research also includes the development of new technologies that are enabling to the application and function of such power sensors. This includes the development of millimeter-wave optics such as novel metamaterial lenses and lithographically defined silicon-platelet feedhorns. These optics are used to efficiently couple photons to the sensors in a controlled and well-characterized manner. Furthermore, Dr. Austermann works in the development of superconducting microwave resonators for multiplexing hundreds, or thousands, of sensors per signal line.
Dr. Austermann also has interests in outreach and education. In his spare time, Dr. Austermann enjoys giving guest lectures and leading discussion sessions on careers in science to students ranging from grade school to college. He’s also enjoyed volunteering at local observatories and science events. Dr. Austermann has advised and overseen numerous student research projects ranging from high-school to graduate students.
Dr. Austermann’s research also includes the development of new technologies that are enabling to the application and function of such power sensors. This includes the development of millimeter-wave optics such as novel metamaterial lenses and lithographically defined silicon-platelet feedhorns. These optics are used to efficiently couple photons to the sensors in a controlled and well-characterized manner. Furthermore, Dr. Austermann works in the development of superconducting microwave resonators for multiplexing hundreds, or thousands, of sensors per signal line.
Dr. Austermann also has interests in outreach and education. In his spare time, Dr. Austermann enjoys giving guest lectures and leading discussion sessions on careers in science to students ranging from grade school to college. He’s also enjoyed volunteering at local observatories and science events. Dr. Austermann has advised and overseen numerous student research projects ranging from high-school to graduate students.
Research Interests
Papers共 304 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Anthony I. Huber,Jason Austermann,James A. Beall,James Burgoyne,Scott Chapman, Douglas Henke,Johannes Hubmayr, Jeffrey Van Lanen,Adrian Sinclair, Anna K. Vaskuri,Michael R. Vissers,Jordan Wheeler
Carlos E. Sierra,Kathleen Harrington,Shreya Sutariya,Thomas Alford,Anna M. Kofman,Grace E. Chesmore,Jason E. Austermann,Andrew Bazarko,James A. Beall,Tanay Bhandarkar,Mark J. Devlin,Simon R. Dicker, Peter N. Dow,Shannon M. Duff,Daniel Dutcher,Nicholas Galitzki,Joseph E. Golec,John C. Groh,Jon E. Gudmundsson,Saianeesh K. Haridas,Erin Healy,Johannes Hubmayr,Jeffrey Iuliano,Bradley R. Johnson, Claire S. Lessler, Richard A. Lew,Michael J. Link,Tammy J. Lucas,Jeffrey J. Mcmahon,Jenna E. Moore,Federico Nati,Michael D. Niemack,Benjamin L. Schmitt,Max Silva-Feaver,Robinjeet Singh,Rita F. Sonka, Alex Thomas,Robert J. Thornton,Tran Tsan,Joel N. Ullom,Jeffrey L. Van Lanen,Eve M. Vavagiakis,Michael R. Vissers,Yuhan Wang,Kaiwen Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivitypp.1-7, (2025)
Alicia Middleton,Steve K. Choi,Samantha Walker,Jason Austermann,James R. Burgoyne,Victoria Butler,Scott C. Chapman,Abigail T. Crites,Cody J. Duell,Rodrigo G. Freundt,Anthony I. Huber,Zachary B. Huber,Johannes Hubmayr,Ben Keller,Lawrence T. Lin,Michael D. Niemack, Darshan Patel,Adrian K. Sinclair, Ema Smith,Anna Vaskuri,Eve M. Vavagiakis,Michael Vissers,Yuhan Wang,Jordan Wheeler
Cody J. Duell,Jason Austermann,James Beall,James R. Burgoyne,Scott C. Chapman,Steve K. Choi,Rodrigo G. Freundt,Jiansong Gao,Christopher Groppi,Anthony I. Huber,Zachary B. Huber,Johannes Hubmayr,Ben Keller,Yaqiong Li,Lawrence T. Lin, Justin Matthewson,Philip Mauskopf, Alicia Middleton,Colin C. Murphy,Michael D. Niemack,Thomas Nikola,Adrian K. Sinclair, Ema Smith,Jeff van Lanen,Anna Vaskuri,Eve M. Vavagiakis,Michael Vissers,Samantha Walker,Jordan Wheeler,Bugao Zou
M. Dobbs,Zeeshan Ahmed,J. E. Austermann,James A. Beall, David P. Daniel,Shannon M. Duff, Shawn Henderson,Johannes Hubmayr, Richard A. Lew,Michael J. Link,Tammy J. Lucas,John A. B. Mates,Maximiliano Silva-Feaver,Robinjeet Singh,J. N. Ullom,Leila R. Vale,Jeff Van Lanen,Michael Vissers,Cyndia Yu
Cody J. Duell,Jason Austermann,James R. Burgoyne,Scott C. Chapman,Steve K. Choi,Abigail T. Crites,Rodrigo G. Freundt,Anthony Huber,Zachary B. Huber,Johannes Hubmayr,Ben Keller,Lawrence T. Lin, Alicia M. Middleton,Colin C. Murphy,Michael D. Niemack,Thomas Nikola, Darshan Patel,Adrian K. Sinclair, Ema Smith,Gordon J. Stacey,Anna Vaskuri,Eve M. Vavagiakis,Michael Vissers,Samantha Walker,Jordan Wheeler
L. E. Bleem,M. Klein,T. M. C. Abbott,P. A. R. Ade,M. Aguena,O. Alves,A. J. Anderson,F. Andrade-Oliveira,B. Ansarinejad,M. Archipley,M. L. N. Ashby,J. E. Austermann,D. Bacon,J. A. Beall,A. N. Bender,B. A. Benson,F. Bianchini,S. Bocquet,D. Brooks,D. L. Burke,M. Calzadilla,J. E. Carlstrom,A. Carnero Rosell,J. Carretero, C. L. Chang,P. Chaubal,H. C. Chiang,T-L. Chou,R. Citron,C. Corbett Moran,M. Costanzi,T. M. Crawford,A. T. Crites,L. N. da Costa,T. de Haan,J. De Vicente,S. Desai,M. A. Dobbs,P. Doel,W. Everett,I. Ferrero,B. Flaugher,B. Floyd,D. Friedel,J. Frieman,J. Gallicchio,J. Garc'ia-Bellido,M. Gatti,E. M. George,G. Giannini,S. Grandis,D. Gruen,R. A. Gruendl,N. Gupta,G. Gutierrez,N. W. Halverson,S. R. Hinton,G. P. Holder,D. L. Hollowood,W. L. Holzapfel,K. Honscheid,J. D. Hrubes,N. Huang,J. Hubmayr,K. D. Irwin,J. Mena-Fernández,D. J. James,F. Kéruzoré,L. Knox,K. Kuehn,O. Lahav,A. T. Lee,S. Lee,D. Li,A. Lowitz, J. L. Marshal,M. McDonald,J. J. McMahon,F. Menanteau,S. S. Meyer,R. Miquel,J. J. Mohr,J. Montgomery,J. Myles,T. Natoli,J. P. Nibarger,G. I. Noble,V. Novosad,R. L. C. Ogando,S. Padin,S. Patil,M. E. S. Pereira,A. Pieres,A. A. Plazas Malag'on,C. Pryke,C. L. Reichardt, M. Rodr'iguez-Monroy,A. K. Romer,J. E. Ruhl,B. R. Saliwanchik,L. Salvati,E. Sanchez,A. Saro,K. K. Schaffer,T. Schrabback,I. Sevilla-Noarbe,C. Sievers,G. Smecher,M. Smith,T. Somboonpanyakul,B. Stalder,A. A. Stark,E. Suchyta,M. E. C. Swanson,G. Tarle,C. To,C. Tucker,T. Veach,J. D. Vieira,M. Vincenzi,G. Wang,J. Weller,N. Whitehorn,P. Wiseman,W. L. K. Wu,V. Yefremenko,J. A. Zebrowski,Y. Zhang
The Open Journal of Astrophysics (2024)
S. Bocquet,S. Grandis,E. Krause, C. To,L. E. Bleem, M. Klein,J. J. Mohr,T. Schrabback,A. Alarcon,O. Alves,A. Amon,F. Andrade-Oliveira,E. J. Baxter,K. Bechtol,M. R. Becker,G. M. Bernstein,J. Blazek,H. Camacho,A. Campos,A. Carnero Rosell,M. Carrasco Kind,R. Cawthon, C. Chang,R. Chen,A. Choi,J. Cordero,M. Crocce,C. Davis,J. DeRose,H. T. Diehl,S. Dodelson,C. Doux,A. Drlica-Wagner,K. Eckert,T. F. Eifler,F. Elsner,J. Elvin-Poole,S. Everett,X. Fang,A. Ferté,P. Fosalba,O. Friedrich,J. Frieman,M. Gatti,G. Giannini,D. Gruen,R. A. Gruendl,I. Harrison,W. G. Hartley,K. Herner, H. Huang,E. M. Huff,D. Huterer,M. Jarvis,N. Kuropatkin,P. -F. Leget,P. Lemos,A. R. Liddle,N. MacCrann,J. McCullough,J. Muir,J. Myles,A. Navarro-Alsina,S. Pandey,Y. Park,A. Porredon,J. Prat,M. Raveri,R. P. Rollins,A. Roodman,R. Rosenfeld,E. S. Rykoff,C. Sánchez,J. Sanchez,L. F. Secco,I. Sevilla-Noarbe,E. Sheldon,T. Shin,M. A. Troxel,I. Tutusaus,T. N. Varga,N. Weaverdyck,R. H. Wechsler, H. -Y. Wu,B. Yanny,B. Yin, Y. Zhang,J. Zuntz,T. M. C. Abbott, P. A. R. Ade,M. Aguena,S. Allam,S. W. Allen,A. J. Anderson,B. Ansarinejad,J. E. Austermann,M. Bayliss,J. A. Beall,A. N. Bender,B. A. Benson,F. Bianchini,M. Brodwin,D. Brooks,L. Bryant,D. L. Burke,R. E. A. Canning,J. E. Carlstrom,J. Carretero,F. J. Castander, C. L. Chang,P. Chaubal,H. C. Chiang,T-L. Chou,R. Citron,C. Corbett Moran,M. Costanzi,T. M. Crawford,A. T. Crites,L. N. da Costa,M. E. S. Pereira,T. M. Davis,T. de Haan,M. A. Dobbs,P. Doel,W. Everett,A. Farahi,B. Flaugher, A. M. Flores,B. Floyd,J. Gallicchio,E. Gaztanaga,E. M. George,M. D. Gladders,N. Gupta,G. Gutierrez,N. W. Halverson,S. R. Hinton,J. Hlavacek-Larrondo,G. P. Holder,D. L. Hollowood,W. L. Holzapfel,J. D. Hrubes,N. Huang,J. Hubmayr,K. D. Irwin,D. J. James,F. Kéruzoré,G. Khullar, K. Kim,L. Knox,R. Kraft,K. Kuehn,O. Lahav,A. T. Lee, S. Lee, D. Li,C. Lidman,M. Lima,A. Lowitz,G. Mahler,A. Mantz,J. L. Marshall,M. McDonald,J. J. McMahon,J. Mena-Fernández,S. S. Meyer,R. Miquel,J. Montgomery,T. Natoli,J. P. Nibarger,G. I. Noble,V. Novosad,R. L. C. Ogando,S. Padin,P. Paschos,S. Patil,A. A. Plazas Malagón,C. Pryke, C. L. Reichardt, J. Roberson,A. K. Romer,C. Romero,J. E. Ruhl,B. R. Saliwanchik,L. Salvati,S. Samuroff,E. Sanchez,B. Santiago, A. Sarkar,A. Saro,K. K. Schaffer,K. Sharon,C. Sievers,G. Smecher, M. Smith,T. Somboonpanyakul,M. Sommer,B. Stalder,A. A. Stark,J. Stephen,V. Strazzullo,E. Suchyta,M. E. C. Swanson,G. Tarle, D. Thomas,C. Tucker,D. L. Tucker,T. Veach,J. D. Vieira,A. von der Linden, G. Wang,N. Whitehorn,W. L. K. Wu,V. Yefremenko, M. Young,J. A. Zebrowski,H. Zohren,DES Collaboration, SPT Collaboration
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