MIDI – the 10 μm instrument on the VLTICh. Leinert,U. Graser,F. Przygodda,L.B.F.M. Waters,G. Perrin,W. Jaffe,B. Lopez,E.J. Bakker,A. Böhm,O. Chesneau,W.D. Cotton,S. Damstra,J. de Jong,A.W. Glazenborg-Kluttig,B. Grimm,H. Hanenburg,W. Laun,R. Lenzen,S. Ligori,R.J. Mathar,J. Meisner,S. Morel, W. Morr,U. Neumann,J.-W. Pel,P. Schuller,R.-R. Rohloff,B. Stecklum,C. Storz,O. von der Lühe,K. WagnerAstrophysics and Space Science(2003)引用 149|浏览43关键词VLTI,MIDI,interferometry,mid-infrared,thermal infraredAI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要