DualIso: An Algorithm for Subgraph Pattern Matching on Very Large Labeled Graphs

Big Data(2014)

引用 12|浏览45
An important component of current research in big data is graph analytics on very large graphs. Of the many problems of interest in this domain, graph pattern matching is both challenging and practically important. The problem is, given a relatively small query graph, finding matching patterns in a large data graph. Algorithms to address this problem are used in large social networks and graph databases. Though fast querying is highly desirable, the scalability of pattern matching algorithms is hindered by the NP-completeness of the subgraph isomorphism problem. This paper presents a conceptually simple, memory-efficient, pruning-based algorithm for the subgraph isomorphism problem that outperforms commonly used algorithms on large graphs. The high performance is due in large part to the effectiveness of the pruning algorithm, which in many cases removes a large percentage of the vertices not found in isomorphic matches. In this paper, the runtime of the algorithm is tested alongside other algorithms on graphs of up to 10 million vertices and 250 million edges.
Big Data,computational complexity,graph theory,optimisation,pattern matching,DualIso,NP-completeness,big data,graph analytics,graph databases,memory-efficient pruning-based algorithm,query graph,social networks,subgraph isomorphism problem,subgraph pattern matching,very large labeled graphs,Algorithm,Graph Pattern Matching,Subgraph Isomorphism,
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