Measurement of differential tt production cross sections in pp collisions

V M Abazov,B Abbott,B S Acharya,M Adams,T Adams,J P Agnew,G D Alexeev, G Alkhazov,A Alton,A Askew,S Atkins,K Augsten,C Avila,F Badaud,L Bagby,B Baldin,D V Bandurin,Sunanda Banerjee,E Barberis,P Baringer,J F Bartlett,U Bassler,V E Bazterra,A Bean,M Begalli,L Bellantoni,S B Beri,G Bernardi,R Bernhard,I Bertram,M Besancon,R Beuselinck,P C Bhat,Shobna J Bhatia,V Bhatnagar,G Blazey,S Blessing,K Bloom,A Boehnlein,D Boline,E E Boos,G Borissov,M Borysova, A Brandt,Oleg Brandt,R Brock,A Bross,D N Brown,X B Bu,M Buehler,V Buescher,V Bunichev,S Burdin,C P Buszello, E Camachoperez,B C K Casey,H Castillavaldez,S Caughron,S Chakrabarti,Kwok Ming Chan,A Chandra, E Chapon,Guonan Chen,S W Cho,S Choi,B Choudhary,S Cihangir,D Claes,J Clutter,M Cooke,W E Cooper,M Corcoran,F Couderc,M C Cousinou,D Cutts,Amitabha Das,G Davies,S J De Jong,E De La Cruzburelo,F Deliot,R Demina,D Denisov,S P Denisov,S Desai,C Deterre,K Devaughan,H T Diehl,M Diesburg,P F Ding,A Dominguez,A K Dubey,L V Dudko,A Duperrin,S Dutt, M Eads,D Edmunds,J Ellison,V D Elvira,Y Enari,H Evans,V N Evdokimov,Liang Feng,T Ferbel,F Fiedler,F Filthaut,W Fisher,H E Fisk,M Fortner,Harald Fox,S Fuess,P H Garbincius,A Garciabellido,J A Garciagonzalez,V Gavrilov,W Geng,C E Gerber,Y Gershtein,G Ginther,G Golovanov,P D Grannis,S Greder,H Greenlee,G Grenier,Ph Gris,J F Grivaz,A Grohsjean,S Gruenendahl, M W Gruenewald,T Guillemin,G Gutierrez,P Gutierrez,J Haley, Lihui Han,K Harder,A Harel,J M Hauptman,J Hays,T Head, T Hebbeker,D Hedin,Hatim Hegab,A P Heinson,U Heintz,C Hensel,I Herediade La Cruz,K Herner,G Hesketh,M D Hildreth,R Hirosky,T Hoang,J D Hobbs,B Hoeneisen,J Hogan,M Hohlfeld,J L Holzbauer,I Howley,Z Hubacek,V Hynek,I Iashvili,Y Ilchenko,R Illingworth,A S Ito,S Jabeen, M Jaffre,A Jayasinghe,M S Jeong,R Jesik,Peng Jiang, K Johns,Edward R Johnson,M Johnson,A Jonckheere,P Jonsson,Jayant V Joshi,A W Jung,A Juste,E Kajfasz,D Karmanov,I Katsanos,R Kehoe,S Kermiche,N Khalatyan,A Khanov,A Kharchilava,Y N Kharzheev,I Kiselevich,J M Kohli,A V Kozelov,Jana Kraus,Arvind Kumar,A Kupco,T Kurca,V A Kuzmin,S Lammers,P Lebrun,Hong Sik Lee,Seung Woo Lee, W M Lee,X Lei,Jeremie Lellouch, Dongfeng Li, Hang Li,Liqing Li,Q Z Li,J K Lim,D Lincoln,J Linnemann,V V Lipaev, R Lipton,Huiping Liu,Yang Liu,A Lobodenko,M Lokajicek,R Lopes De Sa,R Lunagarcia,A L Lyon, A K A Maciel,R Madar,R Maganavillalba,S Malik,V L Malyshev,J Mansour,J Martinezortega,R Mccarthy,C L Mcgivern,M M Meijer,Daniel Meister,A Melnitchouk,D Menezes,P G Mercadante,M Merkin,A Meyer,J Meyer,F Miconi,N K Mondal,M Mulhearn,E Nagy,M Narain,R Nayyar,H A Neal,J P Negret,P Neustroev, H T Nguyen,T Nunnemann,J Orduna,N Osman,J Osta,A Pal,N Parashar,V Parihar,S K Park,R Partridge,N Parua,A Patwa,B Penning, M Perfilov,Y Peters,K Petridis,G Petrillo, P Petroff,M A Pleier,V M Podstavkov,A V Popov,M Prewitt,D Price, N Prokopenko,J Qian,A Quadt,B Quinn,P N Ratoff,I Razumov,I Rippbaudot,F Rizatdinova,M Rominsky,Ashley E Ross,C Royon,P Rubinov,R Ruchti, G Sajot,A Sanchezhernandez,M P Sanders, A S Santos,Graham Savage,L Sawyer,T Scanlon,R D Schamberger,Y Scheglov,H Schellman,C Schwanenberger,R Schwienhorst,J Sekaric,H Severini,E Shabalina,V Shary,S Shaw,A A Shchukin,V Simak,P Skubic,P Slattery,D Smirnov,G R Snow,J Snow,S Snyder,S Soeldnerrembold,L Sonnenschein,K Soustruznik,J Stark,D A Stoyanova,M Strauss,L Suter,P Svoisky,M Titov,V V Tokmenin,Y T Tsai,D Tsybychev,B Tuchming,C Tully,L Uvarov,S Uvarov,S Uzunyan,R Van Kooten,W M Van Leeuwen,N Varelas,E W Varnes,I A Vasilyev,A Y Verkheev,L S Vertogradov,M Verzocchi,M Vesterinen,D Vilanova, P Vokac,H D Wahl,M H L S Wang,Jadwiga Warchol,G Watts,M Wayne,J Weichert,L Weltyrieger,M R J Williams,G W Wilson,M Wobisch,D R Wood,T R Wyatt,Yuan Xie,Ryo Yamada,Shizhong Yang,T Yasuda,Y A Yatsunenko,Weiguo Ye,Zhibiao Ye,Haibing Yin,K Yip,S W Youn,J M Yu,J Zennamo,T G Zhao,B Zhou,Junming Zhu,Mark R Zielinski,D Zieminska,L Zivkovic


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The production of top quark-antiquark pair events in pp collisions at root s= 1.96 TeV is studied as a function of the transverse momentum and absolute value of the rapidity of the top quarks as well as of the invariant mass of the tt pair. We select events containing an isolated lepton, a large imbalance in transverse momentum, and four or more jets with at least one jet identified as originating from a b quark. The data sample corresponds to 9.7 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity recorded with the D0 detector during Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Observed differential cross sections are consistent with standard model predictions.
natural sciences,physical sciences
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