Épidémiologie et parcours de soins des adolescents de 15 à 19ans atteints de cancers diagnostiqués en Auvergne entre 2008 et 2013

Revue d'Oncologie Hématologie Pédiatrique(2015)

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Purpose. There are few epidemiological data on adolescents' cancer. Even if their cancers represent less than 0.5% of all cancers, they are the third leading cause of death among teenagers, after traffic accidents and suicides. We wanted to describe epidemiology and care pathways of adolescents aged 15 to 19 years diagnosed with cancer in Auvergne between 2008 and 2013. Methods. Data came from the Childhood Cancer Registry of Auvergne-Limousin and from the Departments of Medical Information in Auvergne. For each patient, different socio-demographic and clinical characteristics were collected. Results. We identified 73 new cases of cancer (32 males/41 females), 51 aged less than 18 years. We mostly found Hodgkin diseases (27.4%), central nervous system tumors (13.7%) and thyroid carcinomas (11%). Most teenagers were referred by general practitioners (57.5%). Initial diagnostic management took place in the pediatric oncology unit for only 14 adolescents (19.2%). None of the patients above 18 years and 21 of the 51 patients aged less than 18 years, (41.2%) were ever seen in pediatric oncology unit. Conclusion. Our study highlights a lack of collaboration between pediatric and adult departments and the need of efforts for better coordination between these teams in order to optimize management of this specific population. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
Cancer,Adolescent,Épidémiologie,Parcours de soins,Auvergne
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