The transformation of U.S. livestock agriculture: scale, efficiency, and risks
J M Macdnald,David J Teece,Schmidheiny S Zorraquin F,Udry C Hoddinott J Alderman H Haddad L,R M Coughlin,Munson R D Runge C F,T Page,A Boulait,A F Vielman G,T S Walker,M D Young,C Arnade,J P Prestemon,Laarman J G Prestemon J P,Terrill C E Timon V M Hanrahan J P,Javed Z U Alabi A Alabi A Galvez C,N M Tronconi,R D Agurcia,Munoz R I Urbina N E,Lanuza A F Molestina C J,Butendieck N Stehr G Bonilla M V Molestina C J,Habich G E Molestina C J,Rusong W Hinman G W,H K Jain,Bravo Ureta B E Pinheiro A,R Shirota,G Richardson,Spedding C R W Pearson De Vaccaro L,Rodriguez B A Ramakrishna B,S Reutlinger,O Fernandez Balmaceda,Gastal E Webster B Valverde C Fletcher A,J Arias Segura,G Escudero Columna,Howarth R B Norgaard R B,Ch Kao,De Haen H Rungemetzger A,Kao C Yang Y C,Gode D K Sunder S,P R Moock,E S,Vasquez G Pena J J Barquin J,Robert W Hahn
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