Respecting free, prior and informed consent: Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition. M Hilb , G Birbaumer , R Et Al Salas Barquero , A Rivera De La Rosa , David A Koplow , M Ataman Aksoy , John C Beghin , Paul Cook , Sarah Mosedale , G M Peter Swann , Mark Zandi , Augusto De La Torre , Pable Fajnzylber , John Nash , John B Taylor , M Munoz Rodriguez , J Reyes Altamirano Cardenas , J Aguilar Vila , R Rendon Medel , A Espejel Garcia , Paul Keith Conkin , K J Anderson , A Valdes , P R Niven , Sepulveda S Fallas H Sepulveda S , Gouldson A Roberts P , Paulet Iturri M Prieto Celi M Rojas G , R Rivera A , G Lizarraga Montes , Harold W Kohl mag(2014)
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