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A measurement of the QCD colour factorratios CA = CF and TF = CF from angularcorrelations in four-jet eventsThe

Gideon Alexander,John Allison,Kurt S. J. Anderson,Silvia Arcelli,Shoji Asai,Alan Astbury,David Axen,Georges Azuelos,Austin H. Ball,Elisabetta Luigia Barberio,Roger John Barlow,Rainer Bartoldus,J Richard Batley,Gilles Beaudoin, Ariane L. Beck, Gene A. Beck,Ja Becker,Christine Beeston,Ties Behnke,Ken W. Bell,Gideon Bella, Piotr Bentkowski,Stanislaus Cornelius Maria Bentvelsen,Peter Berlich,Siegfried Bethke,Otmar Biebel,Ian J Bloodworth,Peter Bock, Harrie C. M. van den Bosch,Madjid Boutemeur,Sylvie Braibant,P. G. Bright-Thomas,Raymond M. Brown, Arjen E. Buijs,Helfried Burckhart,C. D. Burgard,Paolo Capiluppi,Rebecca Carnegie,Antony Carter,Janet Carter,C. Y. Chang,C. E. K. Charlesworth,David G. Charlton,Sang Lin Chu,P. E. L. Clarke,James Creed Clayton,S. G. Clowes,I. Cohen,Joseph Edward Conboy,M. Coupland,Shlomo Dado,Carlo Dallapiccola,G. M. Dallavalle,Cynthia L. Darling,S. J. de Jong, Hong Wen Deng,Michael Dittmar,Madhu Dixit,E. Couto e Silva,J. E. Duboscq,Ehud Duchovni,Guenter Duckeck,I. P. Duerdoth,U. C. Dunwoody,P. A. Elcombe,P. G. Estabrooks,Erez Etzion,Harold G. Evans,Fabrizio Fabbri,Bernard Fabbro,Marcello Fanti, Massimo Fierro,Margret Fincke-Keeler,Harald Fischer,Peter Fischer,Ron Folman,D. G. Fong,Michel Foucher,Hiroshi Fukui,A. F urtjes,Pauline Gagnon, Aline Gaidot,John William Gary,J. Gascon,N. I. Geddes,Christoph Geich-Gimbel,S. W. Gensler,F. X. Gentit,Theodoros Geralis,G. A. Giacomelli,Paolo Giacomelli,Riccardo Giacomelli, Vic Gibson,William Gibson, James D Gillies,Jason Goldberg,Douglas Gingrich,Maurice Goodrick,W. Gorn,Claudio Grandi,P. Grannis,Eilam Gross,Jonas Hagemann,Gail G. Hanson,Marc Hansroul,C. K. Hargrove, Jason C. Hart,P. A. H. Hart,Michael Hauschild,C. M. Hawkes,Richard J. Hemingway,Gregor Herten,R. D. Heuer,J. C. Hill, Stephen James Hillier,T. Hilse,D. A. Hinshaw,Peter R Hobson,David Hochman,Roger J. Homer,A. K. Honma,R. Hughes-Jones, Regina Humbert,Peter Igo-Kemenes,H. Ihssen,D. C. Imrie,Abolhassan Jawahery, Paula Reys,H. Jeremie,Martin Paul Jimack,Michael Jones,R. W. L. Jones,Predrag Jovanovi'c,Charles C. H. Jui,Douglas L. Karlen,Kiyotomo Kawagoe,Tatsuo Kawamoto,Richard Keeler,R. G. Kellogg,Bruce W Kennedy,Brenda Jean Thompson King, J. King,Stefan Kluth,Takashi Kobayashi,Michael Kobel,D. S. Koetke,T. P. Kokott,Sachio Komamiya,Robert Victor Kowalewski,Ralph W. Howard,Peter Krieger,J. von Krogh,Paul Kyberd, Hervé Lafoux,Robert Lahmann,J. Lauber,J. G. Layter,Pierre Leblanc,Pascal Le Du,A. M. Iv Lee,Elisabeth Lefebvre,M. H. Lehto,Daniel Lellouch,Claude Leroy,James Robert Letts,Lorne Levinson, Zhengxing Li,Feng Liu,Stephen Lloyd,F. K. Loebinger,George Long,B. Lorazo, Michael J Losty,X. C. Lou,Jean Ludwig, Armin Luig,Marcello Mannelli,Stefano Marcellini, Charles Markus,Andre Martin,J. P. Martin,Tetsuro Mashimo,U. Maur,J. A. McKenna,T. J. McMahon,A. I. McNab,J. R. McNutt,Frans Meijers,Frank S. Merritt,H. Mes,Aldo Michelini,R. P. Middleton,Giora Mikenberg, J L Mildenberger,David J. Miller,R. Mir,Wolfgang Mohr,Christian Moisan,Alessandro Montanari,Takehiro Mori,Masahiro Morii,Bernd Nellen,B. Nijjhar,S. W. O'neale,F. G. Oakham,Fabrizio Odorici,Harold Ogren,C. J. Oram,M. J. Oreglia,S. Orito, Jean Pierre Pansart,G. N. Patrick,Martin J. Pearce,P. D. Phillips,J. E. Pilcher,James L. Pinfold,D. Pitman,David E. Plane,Bonnie Poli,A. Posthaus, Terry W. Pritchard,Helenka Przysiezniak,M. W. Redmond, D. Ll. L. Rees,Dan Rigby,M. G. Rison,S. A. Robins, Dean J. Robinson,J. Michael Roney,Eduardo Ros, Sebastian Rossberg,Antonio Maria Rossi,M. Rosvick,P. Routenburg,Yoram Rozen,Keith Runge,O. Runolfsson,David R. Rust,Misao Sasaki,Carla Sbarra,A. D. Schaile,O. Schaile,Florian Scharf,P. Schar-Hansen,Paul M. Schenk,Bethina Schmitt,Michael Schulz,Christoph Schwick,J. Schwiening,William Scott, Markus Settles,T. G. Shears,Bao Chun Shen

European Physical Journal C(2007)

Cited 15|Views75
Key words
second order,particle physics,quantum chromodynamics
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