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Determination of $alpha_s$ using OPAL hadronic event shapes at $\sqrt{s}=91$ - 209 GeV and resummed NNLO calculations

G Abbiendi,C Ainsley,P F Akesson,Gideon Alexander,G Anagnostou,K J Anderson,S Asai,D Axen,I Bailey,E Barberio,T Barillari,R J Barlow,Richard Batley,P Bechtle,T Behnke,K W Bell,P J Bell,G Bella,A Bellerive,G Benelli,Siegfried Bethke,O Biebel,O Boeriu,P Bock,M Boutemeur,S Braibant,R M Brown,H J Burckhart,S Campana,P Capiluppi,R K Carnegie,A A Carter,J R Carter,C Y Chang,D G Charlton,C Ciocca,A Csilling,M Cuffiani,S Dado,M Dallavalle,A De Roeck,E A De Wolf,K Desch,B Dienes,J Dubbert,E Duchovni,G Duckeck,I P Duerdoth,E Etzion,F Fabbri,P Ferrari,F Fiedler,I Fleck,M Ford,A Frey,P Gagnon,J W Gary,Ch Geichgimbel,G Giacomelli,P Giacomelli,M Giunta,Judith D Goldberg,E Gross,J Grunhaus,M Gruwe,A Gupta,Csaba Hajdu,M Hamann,G G Hanson,A Harel,M Hauschild,C M Hawkes,Richard John Hawkings,G Herten,R D Heuer,J C Hill,Dezso Horvath,P Igokemenes,K Ishii,H Jeremie,P Jovanovic,T R Junk,J Kanzaki,D Karlen,K Kawagoe,T Kawamoto,R Keeler,R G Kellogg,B W Kennedy,S Kluth,T Kobayashi,M Kobel,S Komamiya,T Kraemer,A Krasznahorkay,P Krieger,J Von Krogh,T Kuhl,M Kupper,G D Lafferty,H Landsman,D Lanske,D Lellouch,J Letts,L Levinson,J Lillich,S L Lloyd,F K Loebinger,Jie Lu,Andreas Ludwig,J Ludwig,W F Mader,S Marcellini,A Martin,T Mashimo, P Maettigm,J A Mckenna,R A Mcpherson,F Meijers,W Menges,F S Merritt,H Mes,N T Meyer,A Michelini,S Mihara,G Mikenberg,D J Miller,W Mohr,Takehiko Mori,A Mutter,Katsutoshi Nagai,I Nakamura,H Nanjo,H A Neal,S W Oneale,Alexander Oh,M J Oreglia,S Orito,Claus Pahl,Gabriella Pasztor,J R Pater,J E Pilcher,J L Pinfold,D E Plane,O Pooth,M Przybycien,A Quadt,K Rabbertz,C Rembser,P Renkel,J M Roney,A M Rossi,Y Rozen,K Runge,K Sachs,T Saeki,E K G Sarkisyan,A D Schaile,O Schaile,P Scharffhansen,J Schieck, T Schoerersadenius,M Schroeder,Markus Schumacher,R Seuster,T Shears,B C Shen,P Sherwood,A Skuja,A M Smith,R Sobie,S Soeldnerrembold,F Spano,A Stahl,D Strom,R Stroehmer,S Tarem,M Tasevsky,R J Teuscher,Mark Thomson,E Torrence,D Toya,Isabel Marian Trigger,Zoltan Laszlo Trocsanyi,E Tsur,M F Turnerwatson,Ikuo Ueda,B Ujvari,C F Vollmer,P Vannerem,R Vertesi,M Verzocchi,H Voss,J H Vossebeld,C P Ward,D R Ward,P M Watkins,A T Watson,N K Watson,P S Wells,T Wengler,N Wermes,G W Wilson,J A Wilson,G Wolf,T R Wyatt,Shinji Yamashita,D Zerzion,L Zivkovic


Cited 47|Views564
Key words
asymptotic freedom,centre of mass,higher order,renormalization,particle physics
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