Autonomous Seawater Pco(2) and Ph Time Series from 40 Surface Buoys and the Emergence of Anthropogenic Trends
Adrienne J. Sutton,Richard A. Feely,Stacy Maenner-Jones, Sylvia Musielwicz,John Osborne,Colin Dietrich,Natalie Monacci,Jessica Cross,Randy Bott,Alex Kozyr,Andreas J. Andersson,Nicholas R. Bates,Wei-Jun Cai,Meghan F. Cronin,Eric H. De Carlo,Burke Hales,Stephan D. Howden,Charity M. Lee,Derek P. Manzello,Michael J. McPhaden,Melissa Melendez,John B. Mickett,Jan A. Newton,Scott E. Noakes,Jae Hoon Noh,Solveig R. Olafsdottir,Joseph E. Salisbury,Uwe Send,Thomas W. Trull,Douglas C. Vandemark,Robert A. Weller Earth system science data(2019)
Seawater pH,Ocean Acidification,Marine Population Connectivity
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