Low-loss Cable-to-cable Parallel Connection Method for Thin-Film Superconducting Flexible Microwave Transmission Lines

Superconductor science and technology/Superconductor science & technology(2019)

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We describe a superconducting (SC) cable-to-cable connection method for thin-film flexible (Nb/polyimide) parallel transmission line cables that exhibits low loss from DC to microwave frequencies. Design, fabrication procedures, assembly methods and characterization results are reported. The connector assembly incorporates a monolithic array of short superconductive bridging traces that function as a ganged electrical splice between two ribbon cables. The assembly is micro-mechanically self-aligned and uses pressure to make simultaneous electrical contacts between multiple 50 μm wide microstrip signal traces, as well as between ground planes. Each contacting surface comprises thin SC Nb overcoated with ultra-thin Au, providing nearly zero DC resistance and very good RF performance. A simulation model of the microwave performance of microstrip-to-microstrip interconnections at 4.2 K was successfully matched to measurement results. This new cable-to-cable connection approach exhibited an insertion loss <0.12 dB and a return loss >15 dB up to 14 GHz. The connections performed reproducibly throughout multiple thermal cycles and multiple disassembly/reassembly cycles.
microwave connector,niobium,polyimide,microstrip
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