Direct Numerical Simulation Of A Warm Cloud Top Model Interface: Impact Of The Transient Mixing On Different Droplet Population


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Turbulent mixing through atmospheric cloud and clear air interface plays an important role in the life of a cloud. Entrainment and detrainment of clear air and cloudy volume result in mixing across the interface, which broadens the cloud droplet spectrum. In this study, we simulate the transient evolution of a turbulent cloud top interface with three initial mono-disperse cloud droplet population, using a pseudo-spectral Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) along with Lagrangian droplet equations, including collision and coalescence. Transient evolution of in-cloud turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), density of water vapour and temperature is carried out as an initial value problem exhibiting transient decay. Mixing in between the clear air and cloudy volume produced turbulent fluctuations in the density of water vapour and temperature, resulting in supersaturation fluctuations. Small scale turbulence, local supersaturation conditions and gravitational forces have different weights on the droplet population depending on their sizes. Larger droplet populations, with initial 25 and 18 mu m radii, show significant growth by droplet-droplet collision and a higher rate of gravitational sedimentation. However, the smaller droplets, with an initial 6 mu m radius, did not show any collision but a large size distribution broadening due to differential condensation/evaporation induced by the mixing, without being influenced by gravity significantly.
droplets,cloud micro-physics,transient evolution,warm cloud top mixing,direct numerical simulation
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