Partitioning FPGA-Optimized Systolic Arrays for Fun and Profit.

International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology(2019)

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We can improve the inference throughput of deep convolutional networks mapped to FPGA-optimized systolic arrays, at the expense of latency, with array partitioning and layer pipelining. Modern convolutional networks have a growing number of layers, such as the 58 separable layer GoogleNetv1, with varying compute, storage, and data movement requirements. At the same time, modern high-end FPGAs, such as the Xilinx UltraScale+ VU37P, can accommodate high-performance, 650 MHz, layouts of large 1920x9 systolic arrays. These can stay underutilized if the network layer requirements do not match the array size. We formulate an optimization problem, for improving array utilization, and boosting inference throughput, that determines how to partition the systolic array on the FPGA chip, and how to slice the network layers across the array partitions in a pipelined fashion. We adopt a two phase approach where (1) we identify layer assignment for each partition using an Evolutionary Strategy, and (2) we adopt a greedy-but-optimal approach for resource allocation to select the systolic array dimensions of each partition. When compared to state-of-the-art systolic architectures, we show throughput improvements in the range 1.3-1.5x and latency improvements in the range 0.5-1.8x against Multi-CLP and Xilinx SuperTile.
neural networks,evolutionary algorithms,optimization
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