Community-based Interventions for Detection and Management of Diabetes and Hypertension in Underserved Communities: a Mixed-Methods Evaluation in Brazil, India, South Africa and the USA. Luisa S. Flor , Shelley Wilson , Paurvi Bhatt , Miranda Bryant , Aaron Burnett , Joseph N. Camarda , Vasudha Chakravarthy , Chandrashekhar , Nayanjeet Chaudhury , Christiane Cimini , Danny Colombara , Haricharan Conjeevaram Narayanan , Matheus Lopes Cortes , Krycia Cowling , Jessica Daly , Herbert Duber , Vinayakan Ellath Kavinkare , Patrick Endlich , Nancy Fullman , Rose Gabert , Thomas Glucksman , Katie Panhorst Harris , Maria Angela Loguercio Bouskela , Junia Maia , Charlie Mandile , Milena S. Marcolino , Susan Marshall , Claire R. McNellan , Danielle Souto de Medeiros , Sostenes Mistro , Vasudha Mulakaluri , Jennifer Murphree , Marie Ng , J. A. Q. Oliveira , Marcio Galvao Oliveira , Bryan Phillips , Vania Pinto , Tara Polzer Ngwato , Tia Radant , Marissa B. Reitsma , Antonio Luiz Ribeiro , Gregory Roth , Davi Rumel , Gaurav Sethi , Daniela Arruda Soares , Tsega Tamene , Blake Thomson , Harsha Tomar , Mark Thomaz Ugliara Barone , Sameer Valsangkar , Alexandra Wollum , Emmanuela Gakidou BMJ Global Health(2020)
diabetes, hypertension, public health
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