ReBoc: Accelerating Block-Circulant Neural Networks in ReRAM.


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Deep neural networks (DNNs) emerge as a key component in various applications. However, the ever-growing DNN size hinders efficient processing on hardware. To tackle this problem, on the algorithmic side, compressed DNN models are explored, of which block-circulant DNN models are memory efficient and hardware-friendly; on the hardware side, resistive random-access memory (ReRAM) based accelerators are promising for in-situ processing of DNNs. In this work, we design an accelerator named REBOC for accelerating block-circulant DNNs in ReRAM to reap the benefits of light-weight models and efficient in-situ processing simultaneously. We propose a novel mapping scheme which utilizes Horizontal Weight Slicing and Intra-Crossbar Weight Duplication to map block-circulant DNN models onto ReRAM crossbars with significant improved crossbar utilization. Moreover, two specific techniques, namely Input Slice Reusing and Input Tile Sharing are introduced to take advantage of the circulant calculation feature in block-circulant DNNs to reduce data access and buffer size. In REBOC, a DNN model is executed within an intra-layer processing pipeline and achieves respectively 96x and 8.86x power efficiency improvement compared to the state-of-the-art FPGA and ASIC accelerators for block-circulant neural networks. Compared to ReRAM-based DNN accelerators, REBOC achieves averagely 4.1x speedup and 2.6x energy reduction.
block-circulant neural networks,deep neural networks,compressed DNN models,resistive random-access memory based accelerators,in-situ processing,light-weight models,Horizontal Weight Slicing,ReRAM crossbars,circulant calculation feature,data access,REBOC,DNN model,intra-layer processing pipeline,ASIC accelerators,ReRAM-based DNN accelerators,intracrossbar weight duplication,block-circulant DNN models,crossbar utilization,input slice reusing,input tile sharing,power efficiency improvement,FPGA,energy reduction,intralayer processing pipeline
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