Determination of the Longitudinal ProtonStructure Function FL ( x ; Q 2 ) at Low xH 1 Collaboration

C. Adlo,M. Anderson,V. Andreev,B. Andrieu,C. Arndt,A. Babaev,Y. Ban,P. Baranov,E. Barrelet,R. Barschke,W. Bartel,M. Barth,U. Bassler,H. Beck,M. Beck,H. Behrend,A. Belousov,C. Berger,G. Bernardi,G. Bertrand-Coremans,M. Besan,R. Beyer,P. Biddulph,P. Bispham,J. Bizot,V. Blobel, J. B. umlein,K. Borras,F. Botterweck,V. Boudry,A. Braemer,W. Braunschweig,V. Brisson,P. Bruel,D. Bruncko,C. Brune,R. Buchholz,A. Buniatian,S. Burke,M. Burton,D. Calvet,A. Campbell,T. Carli,M. Charlet,D. Clarke,A. B. Clegg,B. Clerbaux,S. Cocks,J. G. Contreras,C. Cormack,J. Coughlan,A. Courau,M. Cousinou,G. Cozzika,L. Criegee,D. Cussans,J. Cvach,S. Dagoret,J. Dainton,W. Dau,K. Daum,M. David,C. Davis, B. Delcourt,A. Roeck,E. Wolf,M. Dirkmann,P. Dixon,P. Nezza,W. Długosz,C. Dollfus,K. Donovan,J. Dowell,H. Dreis,A. Droutskoi,H. Duhm,J. Ebert,T. Ebert,G. Eckerlin,V. Efremenko,S. Egli,R. Eichler,F. Eisele,E. Eisenhandler,E. Elsen,M. Erdmann,W. Erdmann,A. Fahr,L. Favart,A. Fedotov,R. Felst,J. Feltesse,J. Ferencei,F. Ferrarotto,K. Flamm,M. Fleischer,M. Flieser,G. F. ugge,A. Fomenko,J. Foster,G. Franke,E. Fretwurst,E. Gabathuler,K. Gabathuler,F. Gaede,J. Garvey,J. Gayler,M. Gebauer,H. Genzel,R. Gerhards,A. Glazov,L. Goerlich, N. Gogitidze,M. Goldberg,D. Goldner,K. Golec-Biernat,B. González-Piñeiro,I. Gorelov,C. Grab,T. Greenshaw,G. Grindhammer,A. Gruber,C. Gruber,T. Hadig,D. Haidt,L. Hajduk,T. Haller,M. Hampel,W. Haynes,B. Heinemann,G. Heinzelmann,R. Henderson,H. Henschel,I. Herynek,M. Heß,K. Hewitt,W. Hildesheim,K. Hiller, C. D. Hilton,J. Hladk,D. Mann,T. Holtom,R. Horisberger,V. L. Hudgson,M. Ibbotson,H. Itterbeck,A. Jachołkowska,C. Jacobsson,J. Janoth,D. Jansen,T. Jansen,L. J. onsson,D. Johnson,H. Jung,P. Kalmus,M. Kander,D. Kant,R. Kaschowitz,U. Kathage,J. Katzy, H. Kaufmann,O. Kaufmann,M. Kausch,S. Kazarian,I. Kenyon,S. Kermiche,C. Keuker,C. Kiesling,M. Klein,C. Kleinwort,G. Knies,H. Kolanoski,S. Kolya,V. Korbel,P. Kostka,S. Kotelnikov,H. Krehbiel,M. Kuhlen,J. Ofer,D. Lacour,B. Laforge,M. Landon, W. Lange,U. Langenegger,A. Lebedev,F. Lehner,S. Levonian,M. Lindstroem,F. Linsel,J. Lipinski,B. List,G. Lobo,P. Loch,J. Lomas, G. C. Lopez,V. Lubimov,L. Lytkin,N. Magnussen,E. Malinovski,P. Marage,J. Marks,R. Marshall,J. Martens,G. Martin,R. Martin,H. Martyn,J. Martyniak,T. Mavroidis,S. eld, S. McMahon,A. Mehta,K. Meier,F. Metlica,A. Meyer,H. Meyer,J. Meyer,P. Meyer,A. Migliori,S. Mikocki,D. Milstead,J. Moeck,F. Moreau,J. Morris,E. Mroczko,V. Nagovizin,R. Nahnhauer,B. Naroska,T. Naumann,P. Newman,D. Newton,H. Nguyen,T. Nicholls,F. Niebergall,C. Niebuhr,Ch. Niedzballa,H. Niggli,G. Nowak,G. Noyes,T. Nunnemann,M. Nyberg-Werther,M. Oakden,H. Oberlack,J. Olsson,D. Ozerov,P. Palmen,E. Panaro,A. Panitch,C. Pascaud,G. Patel,H. Pawletta,E. Peppel,E. Perez,J. Phillips,A. Pieuchot,D. Pitzl,G. Pope,B. Povh


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A measurement of the inclusive cross section for the deep-inelastic scattering of positrons oo protons at HERA is presented at momentum transfers 8:5 Q 2 35 GeV 2 and large inelasticity y = 0:7, i.e. for the Bjorken-x range 0:00013 x 0:00055. Using a next-to-leading order QCD t to the structure function F 2 at lower y values, the contribution of F 2 to the measured cross section at high y is calculated and, by subtraction, the longitudinal structure function F L is determined for the rst time with an average value of
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