Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Algorithms (CEUS-LIRADS/ESCULAP) for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma – A Prospective Multicenter DEGUM Study Barbara Schellhaas , Thomas Bernatik , Wolfram Bohle , Fanny Borowitzka , Johannes Chang , Christoph F. Dietrich , Klaus Dirks , Robert Donoval , Kristine Drube , Mireen Friedrich-Rust , Christine Gall , Fleur Gittinger , Martin Gutermann , Mark Martin Haenle , Alexandra von Herbay , Chau Hong Ho , Rico Hochdoerffer , Tatjana Hoffmann , Matthias Huettig , Christopher Janson , Ernst-Michael Jung , Norbert Jung , Thomas Karlas , Christoph Klinger , Adam Kornmehl , Wolfgang Kratzer , Sebastian Krug , Georg Kunze , Jens Leitlein , Alexander Link , Christian Lottspeich , Aldo Marano , Martin Mauch , Lukas Moleda , Albrecht Neesse , Golo Petzold , Andrej Potthoff , Michael Praktiknjo , Klaus-Dieter Rosner , Stefan Schanz , Michael Schultheiss , Visvakanth Sivanathan , Joachim Stock , Thomas Thomsen , Johanna Vogelpohl , Christoph Vogt , Siegfried Wagner , Christiane Wiegard , Isabel Wiesinger , Uwe Will , Matthias Ziesch , Patrick Zimmermann , Deike Strobel Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart, Germany 1980)(2020)
Key words
hepatocellular carcinoma, CEUS algorithms, ESCULAP, CEUS LI-RADS (Contrast-Enhanced UltraSound Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System), contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)
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