Primer estudio epidemiológico de injuria renal aguda con requerimiento de terapia de reemplazo renal en Argentina. Sobrevida general y renal a mediano plazo

Cristina Carlino,Rafael Ávila, Liliana Monje,Cecilia Mantello,Natalia Taurizano,Virginia Urretavizcaya,María S. Costantini,Noelia Ferragut,Mariela Fernández, Griselda Della Rosa, Pedro Josa, Jorge De Prato, José Bragado, Martín Cuestas,Alberto Alles

Revista De Nefrologia Dialisis Y Trasplante(2020)

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Introduction: Acute kidney injury is a complex, multicausal disorder associated with high mortality and chronic dialysis dependence. The evolution of patients who required renal replacement therapy due to acute kidney injury in Argentina is unknown. Methods: Prospective, observational, longitudinal, multicentric study in individuals over 14 years of age admitted to public hospitals (Province of Santa Fe) with a diagnosis of acute kidney injury and need for renal replacement therapy; study duration: two years (2017 and 2018). Results: Total 255 patients. Frequency 164 ppm/year, 1.85/1000 hospitalizations/year, males 70.98%, age 46.66 years, comorbidities present in 71.37%, hospitalization in critical care 89.02%, extra renal involvement 82.52%. Most frequent causes: arterial hypotension 62.35%, infections 52.73%, nephrotoxic 17.65%. Renal replacement therapy: intermittent hemodialysis 74.51%, sustained low-efficiency dialysis 11.76%, continuous: 13.73%. Evolution: alive at 30 days 116 (45.49%), chronic dialysis dependence 12 (10.34%). Mortality: at 30 days 54.51%, progressing to 65.88% at 420 days. No significant difference in mortality at 30 days according to age, sex, renal replacement therapy, comorbidities or creatinine in first dialysis. There was a significant difference (p \u003c0.05) in mortality in isolated acute renal injury extra renal involvement (RR: 1.55), Critical Care Unit vs Ward (RR: 3.31) and arterial hypotension as cause (RR: 1.79). Patients with chronic dialysis dependence presented higher mortality than those who recovered renal function (50% vs 22%, RR: 2.26). Conclusions: This is the first epidemiological study with follow-up of the population that required renal replacement therapy in Argentina. It is composed of young, severe patients with a high proportion of extra renal organ involvement. Mortality is high and continues beyond the onset of renal replacement therapy, chronic dialysis dependence leads to a worse vital prognosis.
reemplazo renal
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