Combining electroencephalography with plethysmography for classification of deviant sexual preferences

Sara Saint-Pierre Cote, Gabrielle Roy Paquette,Sarah-Michelle Neveu,Sylvain Chartier,David R. Labbe,Patrice Renaud

2021 IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF)(2021)

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Evaluating sexual preferences is a difficult task. Past research relied mostly on penile plethysmography (PPG). Even though this technique is the standard protocol used in most current forensic settings, its usage showed mixed results. One way to improve PPG is the addition of other psychophysiological measures such as electroencephalography (EEG). However, EEG generates significant amount of data that hinders classification. Machine learning (ML) is nowadays an excellent tool to identify most discriminating variables and for classification. Therefore, it is proposed to use ML selection and extraction methods for dimensionality reduction and then to classify sexual preferences. Evidence from this proof of concept shows that using EEG and PPG together leads to better classification (85.6%) than using EEG (82.2%) or PPG individually (74.4%). The Random Forest (RF) classifier combined with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) extraction method achieves a slightly higher general performance rate. This increase in performances opens the door for using more reliable biometric measures in the assessment of deviant sexual preferences.
Deviant sexual preferences,Plethysmography,Electroencephalography,Machine learning,Variable selection and extraction,Classification
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