Epidemiology of Anal Human Papillomavirus Infection and High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in 29 900 Men According to HIV Status, Sexuality, and Age: a Collaborative Pooled Analysis of 64 Studies Feixue Wei , Michael M. Gaisa , Gypsyamber D'Souza , Ningshao Xia , Anna R. Giuliano , Stephen E. Hawes , Lei Gao , Shu-Hsing Cheng , Maria Gabriella Dona , Stephen E. Goldstone , Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff , Karin Neukam , Elissa Meites , I. Mary Poynten , Jianghong Dai , Jean-Damien Combes , Ulrike Wieland , Joaquin Burgos , Timothy J. Wilkin , Alexandra L. Hernandez , Mauricio Iribarren Diaz , Carmen Hidalgo-Tenorio , Marleny Valencia Arredondo , Alan G. Nyitray , Nicolas Wentzensen , Eric Pf Chow , Vitaly Smelov , Rebecca G. Nowak , Nittaya Phanuphak , Yin Ling Woo , Yoojin Choi , Yifei Hu , Alice M. Schofield , Petra J. Woestenberg , Admire T. Chikandiwa , Andrew C. Hickey , Alexandra de Pokomandy , Gad Murenzi , Helene Pere , Marta del Pino , Ana P. Ortiz , Angella Charnot-Katsikas , Xing Liu , Suwat Chariyalertsak , Carol Strong , Jason J. Ong , Evy Yunihastuti , Isabelle Etienney , Valentine M. Ferre , Huachun Zou , Michel Segondy , Simbarashe Chinyowa , Catharina J. Alberts , Gary M. Clifford The Lancet HIV(2021)
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