Impact of Upfront Stem Cell Transplantation in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma with Del(17) and T(4;14): A Report from the EBMT Chronic Malignancies Working Party Nico Gagelmann , Dirk-Jan Eikema , Simona Iacobelli , Helene Schoemans , Linda Koster , Denis Caillot , Didier Blaise , Peter Remenyi , Claude-Eric Bulabois , Jakob R. Passweg , Xavier Leleu , Samo Zver , Guido Kobbe , Alessandro Rambaldi , Patrice Chevallier , Mark Ringhoffer , Alexander M. Martin , Urpu Salmenniemi , Xavier Poire , Stig Lenhoff , Pietro Pioltelli , Nicola Mordini , Hareth Nahi , Stefan Schoenland , Laurent Garderet , Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha , Nicolaus Kroeger Blood(2018)
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