The TolTEC Project: a Millimeter Wavelength Imaging Polarimeter (conference Presentation)
Grant W. Wilson,Peter A. R. Ade,Itziar Aretxaga,Jason E. Austermann,Joseph Bardin,Peter S. Barry,James Beall,Marc Berthoud, Alan Braeley,Sean A. Bryan, Alexandra Burkott,John Bussan,Edgar Castillo-Domínguez,Miguel Chavez,Natalie DeNigris,Simon M. Doyle,Miranda Eiben,Daniel Ferrusca,Laura M. Fissel,Jiansong Gao,Walter Gear, Victor Gómez,Samuel Gordon,Christopher E. Groppi,Robert Gutermuth,Mark Heyer,Stephen Kuczarski,Mohsen Hosseini,Stella Offner,Alexandra Pope,F. Peter Schloerb,Kamal Souccar,Yuping Tang,Gary Wallace,Min S. Yun,Phillip Mauskopf, Rhys Kelso, Jacob Knapp,Emily Lunde,Hamdi Mani,Justin Mathewson,Evan Scannapieco,Matthew Underhill,Johannes Hubmayr,Michael Vissers,David H. Hughes,Ivan Rodriguez Montoya,David Sanchez,Miguel Velazquez,Salvador Ventura,Enzo Pascale,Sam Rowe,Carole Tucker,Giles Novak,Jeffrey J. McMahon,Sara M. Simon Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX(2018)
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