Notum inhibits local Wnt signalling to increase the competitiveness of Apc -mutant clones
Dustin J. Flanagan,Nalle Pentinmikko,Kalle Luopajärvi,Nicky J. Willis,Kathryn Gilroy,Alexander Raven,Lynn Mcgarry,Johanna Englund,Anna Webb,Sandra Scharaw,Nadia Nasreddin,Michael C. Hodder,Rachel A. Ridgway,Emma Minnee, Beatrice, Romagnolo,Christine Perret,Ann C. Williams,Hans Clevers,Nathalie Sphyris, Ella, Gilchrist,Arafath K. Najumudeen,Marianne Lähde,Kari Alitalo,William Clark, Colin, Nixon,Kristina Kirschner,E. Yvonne Jones,Ari Ristimäki,Simon Leedham, V. Paul, Fish,Jean-Paul Vincent,Pekka Katajisto,Owen J. Sansom semanticscholar(2021)
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